Every inhabitant of New Netherland is hereby notified and warned not to present, sell or loan any wine, beer, or strong drink to Barent Ennesz, smith of the honorable Company, during his confinement in the smith's shop, without express consent of the honorable director general. Neither shall any one be permitted to give credit to said Barent Ennesz, on pain of such creditor not being paid; likewise, whoever shall, without permission, ask said Barent Ennesz to make, sell, or repair any arms, shall be punished according to the circumstances of the case. Let every one take warning and guard himself against loss. Thus done and decreed in council, in Fort Amsterdam, in New Netherland, the 9th of July anno 1648.
The 13th of July anno 1648
Pieter van[ der ] Linden and his wife appeared in council and requested payment and satisfaction from Jan Bentijn of a bond and for some other goods, which said Bentijn received before his departure for Holland on the promise that he would bring with him other goods in their place, the bond amounting to two beavers, and the linen for three shirts amounting to fl. 8 each; also fl. 4 for other linen, so that the whole sum amounts to fl. 44.
The bond signed by Bentijn being shown and read in council, it is considered advisable, if theappearers swear that the debt is just, that in such case they shall be paid out of the means which Jan Bentijn has still here.
The appearers having verified by oath their demand and the bond, it is ordered that Pieter van[ der ] Linden shall be paid without contradiction out of Bentijn's effects. This 13th of July anno 1648, in New Netherland.
Whereas it is found by experience that free traders do not hesitate, nor feel ashamed, to defraud the honorable Company both as regards the price and measure of goods, as is evidenced in the purchase of some cloth on account of the Company, which by calculation as compared by the correct invoice is found to be 1/3 short in the measure; also, that Hardenb[ erch ] will not let the Company have the canvas which they greatly need for less than 30 stivers, which he entered in the fatherland at stivers. On account of these and similar faults, it is judged and deemed advisable in council that some of the chief officers with the fiscal be ordered to open the cases belonging to Verbruggen standing in the public store, and carefully to measure what is therein contained; to do the same also at Hardenberch's house, to discover how they handled this matter and to see if everything agrees with the invoice, and in case any fraud be found, such goods shall be taken to the public store until further order.
This 13th of July anno 1648, in New Amsterdam.
Claes Bordingh, being heard for the second time in council, declares that he has had some guns from Egbert van Borsum and that they came from the ship St. Beninjo, which guns he carried up the river last harvest. Said Claes Bordingh is promised that no harm or injury shall happen to him nor to Egbert van Borsum on this account. This 13th of July anno 1648, in New Amsterdam in New Netherland.
Whereas some powder has been found with an Indian of Pasquaeskeck, he is examined as to where he got it. Says he bought the same from the Indians at Pavonia, and as no more could be learned the honorable council, the honorable general being absent, let the Indian go. This 14th of July anno 1648, in New Amsterdam.
The honorable council, in the absence of the honorable general, have considered it necessary, pursuant to the director general's order, to despatch the ship De Liefde for salt, which is required here, and as provisions are wanted it is decided to send the commissary to Stamford to buy provisions, for which beavers shall be given him. This 15th of July 1648.
Pursuant to order, the honorable council, the general being absent, opened in the public store all the cases shipped by Gillie Verbruggen in the ship De Valckenier, and measured the pieces of duffel and found the measure to be generally less than is marked on the tags; nothing was found in the cases but what is stated in the invoices; wherefore, we have permitted the merchant to sell his goods without any hindrance. This 16th of July anno 1648.
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