Mapping Early New York is made possible by support from the Society of Daughters of Holland Dames, the First Families of New York, the Ken Chase Foundation, and the Robert David Lion Gardiner Foundation.
Resolution. To send the ships Love and Cat on a cruise against the Spaniards and their adherents within the limits of the W. I. Co.'s charter. [1647];Minute. Of the filing, by Jochim Pietersen (Kuyter), of his answer to the complaint of ex-director Kieft, adding that he has other proofs respecting the origin of the (Indian) war, which he will produce before their High Mightinesses, the States-General. [1647];Affidavit. Of John Dolling, that he sold, in 1644, in New Netherland, his own and Isaac Bovee's claim against the W. I. Co. for services at Curaçao, to William Cornelissen Oldemerck, from whom he received 18 guns and a keg of powder. [1647]