7 June 1644[1]
Whereas the honorable director general and council of New Netherland have observed that the soldiers and others residing in Fort Amsterdam throw out ashes and other filth within the fort; Therefore, we hereby make known to all and every one that henceforth ashes and other filth must be carried outside the fort; also, that no one is to make water within the fort. And if any one be caught in the act by the sentinel, he shall pay to him or the provost three stivers for each offense and, if he refuse to pay, the sentinel or provost shall be empowered to levy execution on the offenders.
On the 16th of June
Vroutjen, wife of Cosyn Gerritsen, defendant, vs. Tomas Sandersz, plaintiff, for slander uttered by parties one against the other. Parties are reconciled in court and declare that they know nothing of each other but what is honorable and virtuous.
Hendrick Huwit, plaintiff, vs. Gerrit Jacobsz, defendant, alleging that the defendant with an arrow shot out the plaintiff's eye. Defendant says that other persons besides himself were shooting arrows at the time. Ordered that the defendant prove that other persons besides himself were shooting at the very moment that the plaintiff was wounded.
Philip Geraerdi, plaintiff, vs. Cornelis Arissen, defendant. Default.
Jan Eversen, plaintiff, vs. Marten Cruger, defendant. As the plaintiff does not appear, the defendant is discharged.
On June 30, 1644
Cornelio vander Hoykens, fiscal, plaintiff, vs. Laurens Cornelisen, defendant. Plaintiff, presenting his complaint in writing, demands justice. Defendant requests a copy of the complaint, in order to make proper answer thereto, which is granted him.
Hendrick Huwit, plaintiff, vs. Gerrit Jacobsz, defendant. Defendant says that Henry Willemsen and Puter Cock were shooting also. Being brought before the court, they confess that they were shooting, but declare that they did not hit the man, as he was lying asleep in the guardhouse.
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