To the noble worships, the director general and councilors of New Netherland.]
We, the under[ signed, of the Jewish nation here, make known with due reverence, ] how [ it is ] that one [ of our nation repaired ] to the city [ hall of this city and requested of the noble ] burgomasters that [ he might obtain his burgher ] certificate, like other burghers, which to our great surprise was disallowed and refused by the honorable lords burgomasters, and whereas the honorable lords consented under date of February 15, 1655, at the request of our nation that we should enjoy here the same freedom as other inhabitants of New Netherland do, as appears from the petition here annexed; further, that our nation enjoys in the city of Amsterdam in Holland the burgher right, and those who ask for it receive a burgher certificate for it, as appears by the burgher certificate also hereto annexed; also that our nation, as long as they have been here, have, with others, borne and paid, and still bear, all burgher burdens. We, therefore, reverently request your honors to please not exclude nor shut us out from the burgher right, but to have the honorable lords burgomasters notified that they should permit us, like other burghers, to enjoy the burgher right, and for this purpose to give us the customary burgher certificates, in conformity with the order of the honorable lords directors mentioned above. Upon which, awaiting your honors’ approving and favorable decision, we shall remain, as we have been, (below was written)
Your honors’ humble servants (was signed)
Salvador Dandrada Jacob Cohen Henricque Abraham de Lucena Joseph d’Acosta
On the above petition it has been decided: The burgomasters of this city are hereby authorized and at the same time charged to admit the petitioners hereof and their nation to the burghership, in due form. Dated as above.
P. Stuyvesant Nicasius deSille Pieter Tonneman
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