1652, Monday, 25 March.
Tomas Baxter, defendant, against Isaack de Foreest, plaintiff.
Hendrick Janssen, plaintiff, against Jacob van Curler, defendant, for f180; the defendant acknowledges that he is indebted to the plaintiff according to a bond for f59 [ ] bond for f95, 4. [ ] hearing it was revealed that f23 in difference [ ] which was offered [ ………. ] he refused [ ] .
Jacob Clasen, plaintiff, against Jacob van Curler, defendant for [ ] of 32 packs of beavers coming from [ ] of one half yacht; the defendant denies the debt and asks that the plaintiff prove his claim.
[ First several lines are lost. ]
Salomon Abbesz, plaintiff, against Pieter Noorman, defendant
Lodewyck Jongh, plaintiff, against Fredrick Lubbersz, defendant, for [ ] land [ ] .[1]
Hendric Willemsz, plaintiff, against Lubbert Vandrick, defendant, for violence committed by the wife of Lodewyc Jonck [ ] the person of Fredrick Lubbersz, for which the aforesaid was detained by the director and council [ ] the alderman as security [ ] escaped from confinement.
Hendrick Petersz, plaintiff, against Jacob Swan, defendant [ ] .
Claes Jansen, plaintiff, against Govert Loockermans, representing Dirck Cornelisz van Wensveen, defendant; the plaintiff demands f125 [ ] stemming from wages.
The defendant[2] answers that his wife[3] told him that her previous husband, Dirck Cornelisz, told her upon his departure tor Holland, to pay nothing to Claes Jansz "because I owe him nothing," and he still owes me f11 from the argument.
The director and council order that the plaintiff have an extract made from the previous resolution and prove his claim.
[ First several lines are lost. ]
Cornelis van Steenwyck, plaintiff, against the fiscal, defendant; the plaintiff made a written reply to the fiscal's response, which the clerk shall copy and give to the fiscal for reply within 8 days.
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