Document: Dutch colonial council minutes, 17 March - 10 May 1644

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Court proceedings. Adriaen Willemsen vs. Andrew the boatswain, for having reported that plaintiff had informed against Renselaer's ship for having contraband goods on board; defendant says Lubbert Jansen told him so; Lubbert Jansen declares that what he reported about the ship is untrue, that he knows nothing of the plaintiff but what is honorable and virtuous, is sorry for what he said, and begs plaintiff's pardon; Lubbert Jansen to pay costs. [1644] (page 186);Resolution. That a clearing be made on Manhattan island, extending from the Great Bouwery to Emanuel's plantation, and that all who wish to pasture their cattle within this clearing, to save them from the Indians, appear on Monday next, to build a fence around the same. [1644] (page 186);Minute. Of the arrival at Stamford of Mamarunack, Wapgaurin, chiefs of Kichtawanck, Mongochkonnome, Pappennoharrow, of Wiquaeskeck and Nochpeen, together with the Wappings, to solicit capt. Underhill to sue in their name for peace, which is granted on condition they keep quiet in future. [1644] (page 186);Minute. Of the appearance of Gauwarowe, sachem of Matinnecock, to sue for peace for his own tribe, and the Indians of Marospinc and Siketenhacky, which is granted, provided they do not harbor any of the Indians of Reckowhacky, the Bay, and Marechkawick. [1644] (page 187);Court proceedings. Fiscal vs. Thomas Baxter, for breach of arrest, and taking with him one Mr. Root, likewise under arrest; defendant fined, and condemned also to pay Mr. Root's tavern bill. Cornelis Volkersen vs. Adam Mat (? Mot), for payment of rye; judgment for plaintiff. [1644] (page 187)

Document Date
1644-03-17 to 1644-05-10
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On the 17th of March 1644

Piter Wyncoop, plaintiff, vs. the fiscal, defendant. Parties ordered to submit their complaints and answers in writing.

Andriaen Willemsen, plaintiff, vs. Andries, chief boatswain, defendant, alleging that the defendant said that the plaintiff informed the fiscal that there were dutiable goods in Mr. van Renselaer's ship. The chief boatswain says that Lubbert Jansen told him. Lubbert Jansen acknowledges in court that what he said at the tavern concerning the ship is not true, and that he has nothing to say of Andriaen Willemsen reflecting in any way on his honor and character, and that he is sorry for having said so, praying the plaintiff's forgiveness. Lubbert Jansen is condemned to pay the costs.

31st of March[1]

Whereas, the Indians, our enemies, daily commit much damage, both to men and cattle, and it is to be apprehended that all of the remaining cattle when it is driven out will be destroyed by them, and many Christians who daily might go out to look up the cattle will lose their lives; therefore, the director and council have resolved to construct a fence, palisade, or enclosure, beginning from the great bouwery to Emmanuel's plantation. Everyone who owns cattle and shall desire to have them pastured within this enclosure is notified to repair there with tools next Monday morning, being the 4th of April, at 7 o'clock, in order to assist in constructing the said fence and in default thereof he shall be deprived of pasturing his cattle within the said enclosure. Let everyone take notice hereof and communicate it to his neighbor. Thus done and posted on the day aforesaid.

[2] Whereas Mamarranack, Wapgaurin, chiefs of Kichtawanck, and Mongochkonnome, Pappennoharrow of Wiquaeskeck and Nochpeem, as well as the Wappincx have come to Stamfoort, asking Captain Onderhil to appeal to the governor of New Netherland for peace, promising now and forever to refrain from doing harm to either people, cattle, houses, or anything else within the territory of New Netherland; also, that they will not come on the island of Manhatans as long as we Netherlanders are at war with other heathen, except in a canoe before Fort Amsterdam; and whereas they likewise promise to do their best in looking up for us Pacham;

Therefore, we promise not to molest them if the aforesaid chiefs and their people strictly observe what is hereinbefore written and they may cultivate their lands in peace as far as we are concerned. In confirmation whereof some of their prisoners are restored to them. Done in Fort Amsterdam in New Netherland, the 6th of April.

The 15th of April 1644

[3] Appeared in council Gauwarowe, sachem of Matinneconck. speaking in the name of the adjoining villages of Indians, to wit, Matinnekonck, Marospinc and Siketeuhacky, who requested permission to plant [ their land ] in peace in his and the aforesaid villages; which is granted them on condition that they shall not attempt to do us any harm and shall not suffer the Indians of Reckonhacky, the bays, and Marechkawieck to come among them and shall keep away from them. And the same shall be announced to their sachems on the flat at Mr. Fordam’s, so that in case they be attacked and killed among the said Indians or any of our enemies by the Dutch, we shall be guiltless thereof. Wherewith the chief Gauwarowe was very well satisfied and for confirmation hereof a present was given to him.

On the 10th of May 1644

Cornelis van[ der ] Hoykens, fiscal, plaintiff, vs. Tomas Bacxter, defendant, for escaping from his confinement and taking with him one, Mr. Roet, who had also been arrested. The fiscal demands that the defendant be condemned to pay the sum for which he had been arrested and in addition a fine. The defendant is condemned to haul a scow load of stone to the gate for the Company, out of which the fiscal shall be allowed 10 gl. by the aforesaid Company; also, to pay Philip, in the tavern, 16 gl. for Mr. Roet.

Cornelis Volckersz, plaintiff, vs. Adam Mat,[4] defendant, for payment of 4 schepels of rye for which he became surety. Parties are ordered to agree and defendant is condemned to pay the plaintiff.

Rights: This translation is provided for education and research purposes, courtesy of the  New York State Library Manuscripts and Special Collections, Mutual Cultural Heritage Project. Rights may be reserved. Responsibility for securing permissions to distribute, publish, reproduce or other use rest with the user. For additional information see our Copyright and Use Statement Source: New York State Archives. New York (Colony). Council. Dutch colonial council minutes, 1638-1665. Series A1809-78. Volume 4, page 186-187.

Translation Superscripts
[1]: Revised from Laws and Ordinances of New Netherland, p. 37.
[2]: Revised from Doc. Rel. Col. Hist. N.Y., 13:17-18.
[3]: Revised from Doc. Rel. Col. Hist. N.Y., 14:56.
[4]: Adam Mott.

From the collections of the New York State Archives, Albany, New York.  

Translation link see:

Published bound volume is also available: Translation: Scott, K., & Stryker-Rodda, K. (Ed.). New York Historical Manuscripts: Dutch, Vol. 4, Council Minutes, 1638-1649 (A. Van Laer, Trans.). Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc.: 1974.

Copyright to the published bound volume is held by the Holland Society of New York.
A complete copy of this publication is available on the
New Netherland Institute website.

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