Document: Various indications of suitable means to bring warships and loaded merchant ships back and forth across the Pampus - 1660-1674

Document ID

Instructions for using anchors, pulleys, cables, pumps, etc. to haul heavily laden sailing ships such as warships and merchant ships across Pampus and similar shallows, as well as for making these ships sail in and out against the wind, and for dredging shallows. With extensive explanation. Technique: etching and letterpress.  Cornelis Meijer  

Document Date
1670-1674 ca.

Instructions for Dragging Ships


Dutch ship engineering was geared to moving merchandise around the world regardless of terrain.   The famous Dutch fluyt or Dutch Merchantman ships had large rounded 'bellies' and a somewhat flatter bottom that allowed them to go up river in shallow waters.    Regardless, this set of instructions clearly shows that ships sometimes had to be dragged from one point to another.  



Courtesy of the Amsterdam City Archives

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