Document: Fragment of a Petition by De Hooges ; Memorandum Regarding Continuing Difficulties with Pieter Pietersz Wijncoop ; Memorandum Concerning an Unjust Claim Made by Dirck Volkertsz against De Hooges

Document ID

[Fragment of a Petition by De Hooges];1646. Memorandum stating that de Hooges has informed Pieter Wynkoop of the approval of everything in his dispute. [1646];1646. Memorandum concerning an unjust claim made by Dirck Volckertsz against de Hooges. [1646]

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Document Type Unlinked


New York State Library. Van Rensselaer Manor Papers. Correspondence of Jeremias van Rensselaer. Letters to Jeremias van Rensselaer SC7079 Box memo book, Folder A52.


Courtesy of the New York State Library Manuscripts and Special Collections.
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