Document: Indenture, (operating as a certificate of election), made between Cornelis Bogardus, High Sheriff of said counties, and William Legg, William Fisher, Gerrit Aertse, Johannis Wynkoop, and Abram Lamaitre freeholders, witnessing the election of Thomas Garton

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Indenture, (operating as a certificate of election), made between Cornelis Bogardus, High Sheriff of said counties, and William Legg, William Fisher, Gerrit Aertse, Johannis Wynkoop, and Abram Lamaitre freeholders, witnessing the election of Thomas Garton and Jacob Rutgerson as burgesses to the Assembly at Fort William Henry [New York] on Oct. 24 then next.

NYPL catalog ID (B-number): b11868616
MSS Unit ID: 927
Archives EAD ID: 278995
Calendar number: EM. 10594
Universal Unique Identifier (UUID): 822f4c70-c53a-012f-4396-58d385a7bc34
Manuscripts and Archives Division, The New York Public Library. "Document" The New York Public Library Digital Collections. 1483 - 1876.…
Locations (Unlinked)
Fort William Henry
Related Ancestors (Unlinked)
Cornelius Bogardus
William Legg
William Fisher
Gerrit Aertse
Johannis Wynkoop
Abram Lamaitre
Thomas Garton
Jacob Rutgerson
Document Location