Document: Ordinance for the regulation of the Indian trade at Fort Orange

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Ordinance. For the regulation of the Indian trade at Fort Orange.

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The honorable director general of New Netherland and the magistrates, having heard and examined the complaints respecting going into the woods and the outrages resulting therefrom, have been as yet unable to discover any better expedient than to renew and maintain the ordinances heretofore enacted on that subject, namely:

That no one, of whatever nation or capacity he may be, shall directly or indirectly send any Christians or Indians as brokers into the woods, either with or without presents, to fetch or entice any Indians, under the penalty of the fine heretofore provided and inserted in previous ordinances.Secondly, no one shall be allowed to take from the Indians, whether in the woods, without or within the settlements, houses or places, any beavers, to carry them for the Indians on horses, carts, or on their backs, under penalty of a like fine.Thirdly, if it should come to pass that any Indians, whether voluntarily, or induced thereto by other Indians, should come with their peltries into any houses, either without or within the settlement of Beverwijck, Fort Orange, or the colony of Rensselaerswijck, no person, of what nation or quality he may be, shall take away or lock away the peltries of such Indians against their will, much less impede, prevent, or hinder the Indians from going with their peltries where they please; and although they had either given themselves, or caused others to give any presents for the peltries, such gifts or presents shall not only remain forfeited for the benefit of the Indian, or Indians, who may have received them, but they shall, in addition, forfeit twenty-five pounds Flemish for the officer who enforces and executes this ordinance.

Fourthly, and lastly, the ordinance and regulation heretofore enacted by the director general and council aforesaid respecting the sale, giving, or presenting of wine, brandy, strong liquor, or beer to the Indians, is hereby renewed, and the schouts and officers of the village of Beverwijck, as well as of the colony of Rensselaerswijck, are hereby ordered and commanded to enforce and to execute this and the previously enacted ordinances, orders and regulations more strictly, as they ought to be, and in case they lack sufficient evidence against the contraveners who may be arraigned before the respective courts, the magistrates of the court respectively may upon probable indication oblige the defendant to purge himself under oath, and if he refuse, condemn him according to the exigency of the case. Thus done in Fort Orange, this 22d day of July Anno 1660. Was signed: P. Stuyvesant.

Translation Superscripts

From the collections of the New York State Archives, Albany, New York.  

Translation link see:

Published bound volume is also available: Translation: Gehring, C., trans./ed., New Netherland Documents Series: Vol. 16, part 2, Fort Orange Court Minutes, 1652-1660 (Syracuse: Syracuse University Press: 1990).

Copyright to the published bound volume is held by the Holland Society of New York.
A complete copy of this publication is available on the
New Netherland Institute website.

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