Lot: M7 (Grant Lots)

Lot Group
Grant Lots
Date Start
Date End
To Party 1 (text)
Johannes Megapolensis
From Party (Text)
Grant Description
Gr-br. to Johannes Megapolensis. Not found of record, but recited in subsequent instruments.
Document Source(s)
Cal. Hist. MSS., Dutch: 23
Full Grant Entry (The Iconography of Manhattan Island, Vol. 4, Ch. 4: The Dutch Grants):

Note: The following entry was copied from a scanned image that was converted to text by a computer (OCR), so please excuse the text errors. If you would like to see the scanned document, open the following link and flip to the right page: https://archive.org/details/iconographyofma_02stok/page/n683/mode/2up

Full Stokes Entry (See images below)

Apl. 24 Gr-br. to Johannes Megapolensis. Not found of
record, but recited in subsequent instruments.

Note: This land had previously belonged to Claes
Sybrant de Veringh who d. before July 3, 1643 when a
marriage contract was made bet. his wid. Maritje Pieters
and Brant Peelen. (Cal. Hist. MSS., Dutch: 23.)

Mch. 10 Deed. Johannes Megapolensis to Jan Hendricks Van
Bommell. Not found of record, but recited in conf.
set forth below.


Feb. 14 Conf. Governor Nicolls to Jan Hendricks Van Bom-
mell. (Pats. Alb., II: 170.) Recites transport above.
Desc: On the N. side of the Slyck Steegh being on W.
of Engelbert Steenhuyters. Bet. Slyck Steegh and
Prince's St.; 30 ft. on N. side; 52 ft. on S. side.

Mch. 10 Deed. Do. Johannes Megapolensis to Pieter Gysen
Van Doornyck. (Lib. B, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 3.) Desc:
Lot S. of Prince St.; W. of lot of Susanna the Negress,
E. of Jan Hendricksen van Bommel, measured by J.
Cortelyou and found N. side, 37 ft., 9 ins.; S. side, 38 ft.;
E. side, 46 ft.; W. side, 61 ft. Recites gr-br. Apl. 24,

Apl. — Deed. Pieter Gysen to Michael Tades. Not found
of record, but recited in conf. set forth below.

May 15 Conf. Governor Nicolls to Michael Tades. (Pats.
Alb., Ill: 33.) Recites transport Megapolensis to Pieter
Gyles, (j-iV) Mch. 10, 1663, cert, lot S. of Princes St.,
being to the W. of the lot of Susanna ye Negrine and to
E. of Jan Hendricks van Bommell, cont'g on the N. side,
27 ft., 9 ins.; on the S. side, 38 ft.; on the E. side, 46 ft.
and on the W. side, 61 ft., out of which said lot there

was, in the month of Apl., 1663, transported by the said May 15
Pieter Gyles unto Michael Tades parte or proportion
thereof, cont'g in br. on S. and N. sides, 22 ft., in length
on E. side, 45 ft. and on W. side, 55 ft.

Note: Land of Susanna, a free negress. She was
named Susanna Anthony Robberts, according to an
entry in Lachaire's Register, under date of Feb. 14,
1661. No deed of record found into or from her, but
in 1691, Anthony Sarley, of the Bowery, conveys the
land. (Lib. 9, Deeds, Albany: 223.)

Deed. Johannes Megapolensis to Sarah, wid. of Hans Mch. lo
Hansen. Not found of record, but recited in conf. set
forth below.


Conf Governor Nicolls to Sarah, wid. of Hans Hans. Feb. 12
(Pats. Alb., II: 163.) Recites transport by Megapolen-
sis unto said Sarah, Mch. 10, 1663. Desc: S. side
Prince's Graft, bounded W. side by Michiel Jans; E.
side by Susanna the Negrine; cont'g in br. on N. and S.
sides, 25 ft.; and on E. side, 51 ft., 6 ins.; W. side, 69 ft.

Deed. Johannes Megapolensis to Rut Jacobsen. Not Oct. 4
found of record, but recited in deed Rutger Jacobsen
to Joannes Withart, recorded in Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y.
Co.: 252.


Deed. Do. Megapolensis to Engelbert Steenhuysen. Mch. 10
(Lib. B, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 4.) Desc: Lot S. of Prince
St., bounded E. of Jan H. van Bommel; W. of Susanna
the negress and R. Jacobsen; N. of Slyck Steegie;
measured by J. Cortelyou and found N. side, 38 ft.; S.
side, 40 ft.; long on each side, 90 ft. Recites gr-br. Apl.
24, 1650.*

*Cf. Lachaire's Rfgist^r, Oct. 10, 1662.

Deed. Wessel Evertsen to Rut Jacobsen. {Dutch Oct. 4
MSS.,111: 67.) Desc: Lot on the Highway, "to the W.
of the ho. and smith's shop of Burger Jorissen," in br.
40 ft.; in length, 88 ft., on the Highway; by virtue of a
gr-br. dated July 2, 1646.


Deed. Rutger Jacobsen to Joannes Withart. (Lib. Nov. 12
A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 252.) Desc: His ho. and lot N.
of Hoogh straat (at present occupied by Mr. Isaac
Bedloe) bounded W. by a little lane {gangetje), 151 ft.;
E., ho. and lot of T. Wandel, 151 ft.; S.E. side, 40 ft.;
N.W. side, 44 ft. Measured by J. Cortelyou, Nov. 12,
1661. Recites deed Oct. 4, 1659. Written consent of
Do. J. Megapolensis, dated Nov. 12, 1661. Ho. and lot
were sold at public sale, Sep. 16, 1660.

Deed. Simon Jansen Romein, as atty. for J. Withart, Sep. 12
to Isaac Bedloe. Not found of record but recited in conf.
set forth below.


Conf. Governor Nicolls to Isaac Bedloe. (Pats. Alb., Apl. I
IV: 34.) Recites a transport by Simon Jansen Romein
(as Atty. for Joannes Withart) to Bedloe, Sep. 12, 1661.
Desc: Lying on the N. part of the High St. now in the
tenure or occupation of the said Isaac Bedloe, having
on the W. a cert, alley and on the E. Thomas Wandell;
cont'g on the S.E. side 40 ft.; on the N.W. side, 44 ft.,
being in length on both sides, 151 ft.