Lot: L7 (Grant Lots)

Lot Group
Grant Lots
Original Grants and Farms Document(s)
Date Start
Date End
Tax Lot Events
To Party 1 (text)
Augustyn Heermans
From Party (Text)
Grant Description
Gt-br. to Augustyn Heermans. (GG: 218.) A parcel of land lying on the Island of Manhattans near Fort Amsterdam bounded on the E. by the land of Derick" Cornelissen, extending out from the corner of Burger's clapboards (pale fence) till to the outmost post, 16 r., 9 ft., 7 ins. N. against the Company's land, its br. is 16 r. and 7 ft. W. against the Company's land 20 r.; S. against Burger's land, 16 r., 4 ft
Document Source(s)
GG: 218
Full Grant Entry (The Iconography of Manhattan Island, Vol. 4, Ch. 4: The Dutch Grants):

Note: The following entry was copied from a scanned image that was converted to text by a computer (OCR), so please excuse the text errors. If you would like to see the scanned document, open the following link and flip to the right page: (link is external)https://archive.org/details/iconographyofma_02stok/page/n683/mode/2up

Full Stokes Entry (See images below)

ly 15 Gt-br. to Augustyn Heermans. (GG: 218.) A parcel
of land lying on the Island of Manhattans near Fort
Amsterdam bounded on the E. by the land of Derick"
Cornelissen, extending out from the corner of Burger's
clapboards (pale fence) till to the outmost post, 16 r.,
9 ft., 7 ins. N. against the Company's land, its br. is
16 r. and 7 ft. W. against the Company's land 20 r.;
S. against Burger's land, 16 r., 4 ft.

ie 29 Conf. GovernorNicoUs to Augustine Hermans. (Pats.
Alb., II: 62.) Recites gr-br. Kieft to above. May 15,
1647. Desc: Lot in the Smith's street, abutting upon
the land of Nicasius de Sille and Hans Kierstede. Con-

tains on E. side, 16 r., 9 ft., 7 ins.; N. side, 16 r., 7 ft.; June 29
W. side, 20 r., S. side, 16 r., 4 ft.

Note: When Heermans was confirmed as above, he
was possessed of only lots I and 2 of his grant. This
plot he retained until June 17, 1669 when he sold it to
Isaac Bedlow. (Lib. B, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 157.)

Deed. Augustine Heermans to Joannes and Daniel Ver- Nov. 7
velen. (Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y. Co. : 250.) Desc. : Lot N. of
Prince St.; bounded W. of ho. and lot of P. Menist, 7 r.,

2 ft., 6 ins.; N. by lot of J. Vervelen, 16 ft., E. lot of
Augustine Heerman, 7 r., 2 ft., 6 ins.; S. by street afsd.;
1 1 ft., 8 ins. Recites measured by J. Cortelyou, Nov.
22, 1661; also gr-br. May 15, 1647.


Deed. Augustin Heerman to Symon Joosten. (Lib. A, Get. 25
Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 59.) P. o. lot in Sheep Pasture,
bounded W. by lot of J. la Montagne, 100 ft.; N. side
Mr. N. de Sille, 50 ft.; S. side, 50 ft.; E. side, 100 ft.
Recites gr-br. May 15, 1647.

Deed. Symon Joosten to Johannes de la Montagne, Mch. 31
Jr. (Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 88.) Desc:s. a. in
instrument recited immediately above.

Deed. Augustine Heermans to Tielman Van Vleck, as Aug. 28
agent and atty. of Daniel Gabry. (Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y.
Co.: 214.) Desc: 2 lots numbers 3 and 4, W. of Smee
St.; bounded S. by lot of Heermans; W. by lot and
brewery of I. de Foreest and J. Vervelen. N. by lot of
Heermans; E. by street afsd.; lot Number 3: E. and W.
sides, 25 ft.; N. side, 6 r., 5 ft.; S. side, 5 r., 7 ft.; lot
Number 4: E. and W. sides 25 ft.; S. side, 6 r., $ h.;
N. side, 7 r., 2 ft. Lot Number ;: W. of Smee street,
bounded S. by lot of T. Van Vleck, 7 r., 2 ft.; bounded
W. by lot of Isaac de Foreest and J. Vervelen, 25 ft.;
N. by lot of Jacob Steendam, 8 r., 8 ins.; E. by Smee St.,
25 ft. Recites measured by J. Cortelyou, Aug. 28, 1660;
recites gr-br. May 15, 1647.

Deed. Augustine Heermans to Jacob Steendam. (Lib. Aug. 24
A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 210.) Desc: Lot W. of Smee st.
Number 6: bounded S. by lot of Heermans, 8 r., 8 ins.;
N. by lot of Heermans, 9 r.; W. by Brewery and lot of
I. de Foreest and J. Vervelen, 25 ft.; E. by above street,
25 ft.; recites measured by J. Cortelyou Aug. 21, i66o;
recites gr-br. May 15, 1647.

Deed. Augustyn Heermans to Tielman Van Vleck, Aug. 28
atty. of Daniel de Gabry. (Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.:
214.) Lot Number 7, W. of Smee St.; bounded S. by lot
of Jacob Steendam, 9 r.; W. by land of I. de Foreest and
J. Vervelen, 25 ft.; N. by lot of Augustyn Heermans,
9 r., 10 ft.; E. by Smee St. 25 ft. Measured by J. Cortel-
you, Aug. 26, 1660; recites gr-br. May 15, 1647.