Lot: M4 (Grant Lots)

Lot Group
Grant Lots
Date Start
Date End
To Party 1 (text)
Abraham Rycken
From Party (Text)
Grant Description
Gr-br. to Abraham Rycken. (GG: 132.) Desc: A Feb. 4 lot for a ho. and garden lying on the Island of Manhat- tans, along the ditch, heretofore occupied by Peter Italiaen; it extends on the S. side in br. next the lot of Adriaen Vinchan, 4 r., 8 ft.; along the ditch, 10 r.; its br. on the N. side or on the road, 3 r.; on the E. side along the lot of Lourens Petersen, 10 r., amtg. in all to 39 r.
Document Source(s)
GG: 132
Full Grant Entry (The Iconography of Manhattan Island, Vol. 4, Ch. 4: The Dutch Grants):

Note: The following entry was copied from a scanned image that was converted to text by a computer (OCR), so please excuse the text errors. If you would like to see the scanned document, open the following link and flip to the right page: https://archive.org/details/iconographyofma_02stok/page/n683/mode/2up

Full Stokes Entry (See images below)
Gr-br. to Abraham Rycken. (GG: 132.) Desc: A Feb. 4
lot for a ho. and garden lying on the Island of Manhat-
tans, along the ditch, heretofore occupied by Peter
Italiaen; it extends on the S. side in br. next the lot of
Adriaen Vinchan, 4 r., 8 ft.; along the ditch, 10 r.; its
br. on the N. side or on the road, 3 r.; on the E. side along
the lot of Lourens Petersen, 10 r., amtg. in all to 39 r.

Deed. Abraham Rycken to Jochem Beeckman. Jan. 29
(Dutch MSS., Ill: loi.) Desc: For a lot in the Heere
Graght, measured off the gr-br. W. side, 3 r., N. side,
3 r.; in the rear, on the E. side, 3 r., y}4 ft., along Harck
Syboutsen, 3 r., ; ft., bet. Rycken and Beeckman.

Deed. Same to same. (HH: 4.) Desc: A lot in Nov. 15
New Amsterdam, in br. on W., 3 r., 5 ft.; on N., 3 r.;
in rear, on E., along Harck Sybout's lot, 3 r., 5 ft.; on
S., 3 r., 5 ft.
Note: Re-recording the deed of Jan. 29 (supra).

Deed. Abraham Rycken to Jochem Beeckman. (Lib. May 20
A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 20.) Recites according to survey
by C. Van Elslant, May 5 last, and that in virtue of a
gr-br. to Rycken, Feb. 14 (sic), 1646. Desc: Lot E.
side Graft, N. by lot same as Rycken to Beeckman,
Nov. 15, 1652, along the highway to line of lot of H.
Syboutsen; br. on Graft or W. side, i r., 6 ft., long on N.
side, to lot of Syboutsen, 3 r.; br., E. side, 2 r.; long S.
side, 3 r.

Deed. Jochem Beeckman to Lourens Andriessen Van June 29
Boskerck. (Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 54.) Recites deed
by Abr. Rycken to Jochem Beeckman, dated Nov. 13,
1652. Desc: Part of lot on E. side of Graft; on S. side
of Beeckman's ho., 6 rod feet in width; in front on the
street, on the W. side, so far as Beeckman's lot extends,
so that L. A. Van Boskerck with the conveyance to him
of a passage-way along the lot of Beeckman, runs in a
straight line of the same br.

Conf. Governor Nicolls to Jochem Beeckman. (Pats. June 8
Alb., II: 45.) Recites transport made by Abraham
Rycken, dated Nov. 15, 1652. Desc: In the street
commonly called the Heere Graft: cont'g in br. on the
W. side, 3 r., 5 ft.; N. side, 3 r.; E. side next to Harck
Sibout, 3 r., 5 ft.; S. side, 3 r., 5 ft. Recites Rycken to
Beeckman, May 20, 1655. Another lot lying on the



June 8 E. side of the afsd. Graft to the N. of the ground afore-
mentioned; bounded by the said lot and alongst the way
to the fence of the ground belonging to Harck Sybout,
being in br. on the W. side towards the Graft, i r.,
6 ft.; E. side, 2 r., N. side in length towards the said
Harck Sybout, 3 r., and S. side the like, 3 r.

June 7 Deed. Abraham Rycken to Jan Rutgersen. (Lib. A,
Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 132.) Recites gr-br. Feb. 14, 1646
{sic); bill of sale dated — 1655. Desc. : Cert. ho. and
lot E. of Heere Graght; S. by lot of A. Jansen, 8 r., 3 ft.;
W. Heere Graght, front, 2 r., 4 ft.; N., ho. and lot of J.
Backer, 7 r., 6 ft.; E. by Glassmaker, 2 r., 2 ft. Measured
by C. van Elslant, Sr., Mch. 14, 1656.

July 12 Deed. Paulus Leendersen Vandcr Grift and Govert
Loockermans, as Curators of the insolvent Estate of
Thomas Jansen Mingall, Deed, to William Hoffmeyer.
(Lib. B, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 19.) Recites executorial deed,
July 10, 1663. Desc: T. Jansen's ho. and lot E. of
Heere Graft. Bounded N. and E. by ho. and lot of J.
Backer. W. the Graft. S. ho. and lot of Abraham the
Carpenter br. in front on St., 2 r., 4 ft.; long on S. side,

8 r., 3 ft.; br. on E. side, 2 r., 2 ft.; long N. side, 7 r.,
6 ft.

May 22 Conf. Governor Nicolls to William Hoffmeyer.
(Pats. Alb., H: 33.) Recites transport Paulus Leen-
dertsen, by virtue of an executorship, bearing date the
1 2th July, 1663 to William Hoffmeyer. Desc: Lot
heretofore belonging to Thomas Jans, lying to the E.
of the Moate commonly called the Heere Graft, having
to the N. and E. Jacobus Backer; to the S. Abm. de
Timmerman and W. the afsd. Graft; cont'g in br. before
towards the street, 2 r., 4 ft.; and behind on the E. side,

2 r., 2 ft.; in length, on the S. side, 8 r., 3 ft.; and on the
N. side, 7 r., 6 ft.