Lot: B4 (Grant Lots)

Lot Group
Grant Lots
Original Grants and Farms Document(s)
Date Start
Date End
Tax Lot Events
To Party 1 (text)
Leendert Aerden
From Party (Text)
Grant Description
Gr-br. to Leendert Aerden. (GG: 103.) Desc: A lot Sep. 22 for a ho. and garden lying S. of the lot of Aert (Aaron) Teunissen, on the Common Highway; its br. along the said road is 4 r., 8 ft.; its length on the S. side is 17 r.; in the rear on the E. side its br. is 5 r.; its length on the N. side or next to Aert Teunissen is 17 r.; amtg. in all together to 84 r., I ft., 4 ins
Document Source(s)
GG: 103
Full Grant Entry (The Iconography of Manhattan Island, Vol. 4, Ch. 4: The Dutch Grants):

Note: The following entry was copied from a scanned image that was converted to text by a computer (OCR), so please excuse the text errors. If you would like to see the scanned document, open the following link and flip to the right page: (link is external)https://archive.org/details/iconographyofma_02stok/page/n683/mode/2up

Full Stokes Entry (See images below)
Gr-br. to Leendert Aerden. (GG: 103.) Desc: A lot Sep. 22
for a ho. and garden lying S. of the lot of Aert (Aaron)
Teunissen, on the Common Highway; its br. along the
said road is 4 r., 8 ft.; its length on the S. side is 17 r.;
in the rear on the E. side its br. is 5 r.; its length on the
N. side or next to Aert Teunissen is 17 r.; amtg. in all
together to 84 r., I ft., 4 ins.

Deed (?) Leendert Arenden to Teunis Nyssen. (Dutch Dec. I
MSS., Ill: 152.) (Note: Apparently a mortgage.)
Desc: Opposite Company's garden on the Great High-
way. "According to the gr-br. dated Sept. 22, 1645."
165 1

Deed. Leendert Aerden to Lubbertus Van Dincklagen. Mch. 30
Not found of record but recited in Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y.
Co.: 12, 14.


Deed. Lubbertus Van Dmcklagen to Cornelis Groe- Mch. 20
sens. (Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 12.) Desc: E. side
Great Highway, bet. lots on S. side of P. Schabanck and
on N. side lot of P. Koek. Recites s. a. gr-br. above.
Recites: "Extract sealed with City Seal Apl. 3, 1655."

Bill of sale. Cornelis Groesens to Joseph and Re-
solved Waldron. (Duuh MSS., Ill: 130.) Desc: Ho.
and lot on the E. side of the common highway, S. of
Aert Teunissen's lot; is br. along the Highway, 4 r., 8 ft.;



Apl. 3 along on the S. side, 17 r.; br. in the rear or on the E. side,
5 r. and long on the N. side, 17 r.; amtg. altogether to
84 r., I ft., 4 ins.

Apl. 28 Deed. Cornells Groesens to Joseph and Resolved
Waldron, brothers. (Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 14.)
Desc. : s. a. preceding instrument.

May 8 Deed. Joseph and Resolved Waldron to Deaconry of
City of New Amsterdam. (Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.:
263.) Recites measured by Jacques Cortelyou, May 4,
1662; deed April 28, 1655. Desc: Ho. and lot E. of
Heere Straat, bounded N. by ho. and lot of D. Sieckers,
71 ft., 5 ins.; E. by Do. Drisius; S. by ho. and lot of J.
Waldron, 71 ft., 5 ins.; W. Street afsd., 36 ft.; br. 39 ft.
8 ins., again one side and other long, 1 1 r., 7 ft. ; br. there,
40 ft.


Feb. 25 Conf. Governor Nicolls to The Deacons. (Pats. Alb.,
II: 175.) Recites transport Resolved and Joseph Waldron
to the Deacons "then in office in this place," May 8,
1662. Desc: s.a. in deed May 8, 1662.

The remainder of the Waldron plot was confirmed to
the wid. of Joseph Waldron as follows:

July 18 Conf. Governor Nicolls to Anneke Daniels. (Pats.
Alb., Ill: I.) Desc; A cert, lot of ground ho. and
garden in this City. Said lot of ground on Broad High-
way, having to N. the lots belonging to the Deacons and
to the S. the lot of Pieter Schaafbanck. Is long on the
Highway 23K ft. and behind over against Do. Drisius, 26
ft.; in length 240 ft.; recites gr-br. to Leendert Arenden
dated Sept. 22, 1645; transport to Lubbert van Dinckla-
gen, Mch. 30, 1651; transport by him to Cornelis Groe-
sens, Mch. 20, 1655 and his right having been since pur-
chased by Joseph Waldron "from persons empowered to
dispose of the same." Now, the said Joseph Waldron
being deceased, confirmation is to his wid. above-named