Document: Meeting|Administrative meeting of the Burgomasters

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Meeting|Administrative meeting of the Burgomasters |List|Decision|To issue an order to the treasurer to collect money from Hendrick Willemsen backer for a strip of land: to propose the paving of the winckelstraat to the Director General and to make one of the burghers buirtmeester: to order the court messenger to receive the bucket money: and to order Timotheus Gabrij to pay for the great burgher right |Request|Jieronimus Ebbingh to be discharged as buirtmeester: granted |Proceeding|Bankrupt estate of Hermen Jacobsen Bamboes: discharge of Abraham Staats as curator: letter to Andries van der Sluijs: with request for an inventory: return of goods property of Jan Cloet: and notice to enter claims

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