Document: Ordinance|Burgomasters and Schepenen regarding the price and quality of bread

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Ordinance|Burgomasters and Schepenen regarding the price and quality of bread

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[Text is continued in  NYC-RNA_V1_072, 073.  Presented complete here for continuity.  NAHC]

The Schout, Burgomasters and Schepens of the City of Amsterdam in N.N. to All etc. Greeting!

Know ye. that to renew former proclamations and ordinances of the Honble Director General and council, especially that of October 26, 1661, concerning the baking and sale of coarse and white bread, which both are not baked of proper weight and suitable dough, but mostly with bran and thus sold, and to prevent this practice.  All bakers and those, who carry on the business of baking, are hereby ordered, constantly to bake for the convenience of the burghers and inhabitants coarse bread and to keep it for sale in the open shops. Whoever refuses to obey this order, shall be forbidden to carry on his business for a year and six weeks. Bread shall be baked and sold at the following prices: 

One double loaf of wheat bread, weighing....8 lbs. for  22 stivers
One single loaf of wheat bread, weighing.......4 lbs. for 11 stivers
One single loaf of wheat bread, weighing.......2 lbs. for 5 1/2 stivers
One double loaf of rye bread, weighing..........8 lbs. for 18 stivers
One single loaf of rye bread, weighing............4 lbs. for 9 stivers
One single loaf of rye bread, weighing............2 lbs. for 4 1/2 stivers
One loaf of white bread, weighing...................2 lbs. for 10 stivers
One loaf of white bread, weighing....................1 lbs. for 5 stivers
One loaf of white bread, weighing................1/2 lbs. for 2 1/2 stivers

Bread of lighter weight or sold without the knowledge and consent of the Director General and Council at different weight and higher price shall be confiscated and the baker shall besides pay a fine of 25 pounds Flemish for the first time, twice as much the second time and 100 pounds the third time with absolute prohibition of continuing the business. No baker or any one, who makes it his occupation to bake coarse or white bread for sale to Christians, shall be allowed to mix sifted bran, wholly or in part, with any kind of coarse or white bread for Christians, as already stated herein and under the penalties mentioned, the decision thereof resting with the judgment of the Court and those, whom for their superior knowledge of bread they have chosen and authorized thereto, to wit Hendrick Willemsen, the baker and Christoffel Hooglland. It is forbidden henceforth to bake cakes, cracknells or sugarpones under the penalty of their confiscation and a fine of 50 fl. and to insure the carrying out of this order our Officer is charged, to pay strict attention and to proceed according to law against all transgressors.Thus done etc., October 21, 1661.


The Records of New Amsterdam from 1653 to 1674 Anno Domini, Volume I Minutes of the Court of Burgomasters and Schepens 1653-1655, Translations by Edmund O'Callaghan,  Edited by Berthold Fernow,  1897, Published under the authority of the City of New York by the Knickerbocker Press

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