Document: Notice|Notice by Burgomasters and Schepenen forbidding tappers to accept goods as payment

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Notice|Notice by Burgomasters and Schepenen forbidding tappers to accept goods as payment |Notice|Notice by Burgomasters and Schepenen ordering surgeons to report information on wounds

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Daily complaints are made to the Honble Magistrates of this city of Amsterdam in N.N. against the many tapsters and tavernkeepers, who to keep their business going detain such persons, as for their own sake and advantage would better attend to their occupations and protect their families honorably with God's help, but cannot make up their minds to it, because of the pleasures they find in drinking and jovial company by which they not only spend their daily earnings, but also when out of money pawn the goods serving to the necessities of their families and thereby obtain the means of continuing their usual drinking bouts. Their wives and children suffer in consequence and become a burden to the Deaconry of this City. Their Honors, the Burgomasters and Schepens, to obviate this evil therefore forbid all tapsters and tavernkeepers to receive in pawn any goods, of whatever nature they may be, such as clothing. furniture or the like, and to sell drinks therefor under the penalty of 25 fl. the first time, of 50 fl. the second time with a suspension of their business for 6 weeks and for the third offence closure of the place and restitution of the pawned property. Thus done etc., December 3, 1657.


All surgeons in this City are hereby notified, that the Court orders them to inquire of their patient, whenever they dress a wound, who has wounded him, and then to report it to the Schout or failing herein they are to pay the fine, imposed for making the wound.

Thus done etc., December 3, 1657.  


The Records of New Amsterdam from 1653 to 1674 Anno Domini, Volume I Minutes of the Court of Burgomasters and Schepens 1653-1655, Translations by Edmund O'Callaghan,  Edited by Berthold Fernow,  1897, Published under the authority of the City of New York by the Knickerbocker Press

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