Document: Proclamation|Burgomasters and Schepenen prohibiting throwing out rubbish in the public streets or the canal

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Proclamation|Burgomasters and Schepenen prohibiting throwing out rubbish in the public streets or the canal

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It has been found, that within this City of Amsterdam in N.N. many burghers and inhabitants throw their rubbish, filth, ashes, dead animals and such like things into the public streets to the great inconvenience of the community and dangers arising from it. Therefore the Burgomasters and Schepens ordain and direct, that henceforth no one shall be allowed to throw into the streets or into the graft* any rubbish, filth, ashes, oystershells, dead animal or anything like it, but they shall bring all such things to the to them most convenient of the following places, to wit the Strand, near the City Hall, near the gallows, near Hendrick the baker, near Daniel Litsco, where tokens to that effect shall be displayed, but not on the public streets under a penalty of 3 fl. for the first offence, 6 fl. for the second and arbitrary punishment for the third. Furthermore everybody is ordered, to keep the streets clean before his house or lot under the preceding penalties and that this be done, we herewith charge and command our Officer to execute this order after publication and to proceed against all transgressors, as in duty he is bound.

Thus done etc., February 20, 1657.

*A canal, running in the middle of the present Broad Street. 

Having considered the request of the Honble d'Silla as Schout, relating to the contravention of the bakers, whose bread has been found too light, it has been decided, that if coarse bread, which ought (March 5, 1657) to weigh 8 lbs., is found to be more than 2 ounces too light, it shall be taken away by the Officer and be confiscated and the baker be condemned to the fine according to the ordinance of the Director General and Council of October 30, 1656 and further that the bakers shall be summoned to appear before the next meeting and be informed of their transgressions, but they are this time to be forgiven their fines, receive only a reprimand and be warned to pay better attention to their weight in the future under the published penalties.


The Records of New Amsterdam from 1653 to 1674 Anno Domini, Volume I Minutes of the Court of Burgomasters and Schepens 1653-1655, Translations by Edmund O'Callaghan,  Edited by Berthold Fernow,  1897, Published under the authority of the City of New York by the Knickerbocker Press

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