Document: Order|Director General and Council prohibiting the export of grain and its use to brew beer

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Order|Director General and Council prohibiting the export of grain and its use to brew beer

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The Director General and Council, having noticed the scarcity of the crops during the preceding year and also heard the complaints of the good inhabitants, that they can only with difficulty buy bread from the bakers, which causes them to fear, that, if no timely provisions are made, bread-corn will become still scarcer and dearer,—Therefore they ordain, that henceforth and until further orders, and until more grain comes in, no brewer shall be permitted to malt or brew from wheat under forfeiture of the malted wheat and arbitrary correction. They hereby also forbid the exportation of wheat, rye, and baked bread out of the Province of New Netherland, until an estimate of the quantity of grain on hand and the yearly consumption thereof has been made and proper consent to the exportation has been procured.
Thus done etc., November 8, 1649. Signed as the preceding.


The Records of New Amsterdam from 1653 to 1674 Anno Domini, Volume I Minutes of the Court of Burgomasters and Schepens 1653-1655, Translations by Edmund O'Callaghan,  Edited by Berthold Fernow,  1897, Published under the authority of the City of New York by the Knickerbocker Press

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