Document: Proclamation|Director General and Council for the inspection of chimneys

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Proclamation|Director General and Council for the inspection of chimneys |Ordinance|Director General and Council concerning wages for Native Americans

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In order to prevent fires the Honble General and Council of New Netherland charge and order the firemasters of the City of New Amsterdam to make visits of inspection everywhere and to see, whether everybody is keeping his chimneys clean by sweeping and if they find anyone not doing it, to collect the fine of 3 fl., to be applied according to our proclamation of January 21, 1648.Thus done at the meeting in Fort Amsterdam in N.N., September 28, 1648, present the Honble General, L. van Dincklage, la Montagne, Brian Newton, Poulus Leendersen.

Great complaints are daily made to the Director General and Council by the Indians or natives, that some inhabitants of New Netherland set the natives to work and use them in their service, but let them go unrewarded after the work is done and refuse, contrary to all international law, to pay the savages for their labors. These Indians threaten, that if they are not satisfied and paid, they will make themselves paid or recover their remunerations by other improper means,—Therefore, to prevent all trouble as much as possible, the Director General and Council warn all inhabitants, who owe anything to an Indian for wages or otherwise, to pay it without dispute and if in the future they employ savages, they shall be held liable to pay upon the evidence and complaint of Indians, (who for good reason shall be considered credible witnesses in such cases), under the penalty of such a fine, as the circumstances shall indicate as proper.Done at the meeting and published September 28, 1648, at New Amsterdam, present ut supra.


The Records of New Amsterdam from 1653 to 1674 Anno Domini, Volume I Minutes of the Court of Burgomasters and Schepens 1653-1655, Translations by Edumund O'Callaghan,  Edited by Berthold Fernow,  1897, Published under the authority of the City of New York by the Knickerbocker Press

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