Document: Ordinance|Director General and Council concerning observance of the Sabbath

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Ordinance|Director General and Council concerning observance of the Sabbath

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Petrus Stuyvesant, on behalf of their High Mightinesses, the Lords States General of the United Netherlands, his Highness the Prince of Orange and the Honble Lords Directors of the Priv. West India Company
Director General of New Netherland, Curaçao and the Islands thereof, with the Honble Council:
WHEREAS we have seen and learned, that notwithstanding our previous orders and proclamations concerning the keeping of the holy Sabbath according to Gods holy Word, it is not observed as we intend and desire, but is profaned and desecrated in various manners, to the great scandal, offense and reproach of this community and neighboring strangers, who visit this place, also to the vilification and contempt of Gods holy Word and our ordinances, based thereon,—
Therefore we, the said Director General and Council, in order to avert, as much as is in our power, the wrath and punishment of God, evoked thereby and by other misbehaviours, renew and amplify herewith our previous proclamations and ordinances, having arranged for the further observance of the Sabbath with the knowledge of the servant of God's Word, that henceforth a sermon from God's Word shall be preached in the afternoon, as in the forenoon, with the usual Christian prayers and thanksgiving: we request and charge therefore all officials, subjects and vassals to assist at these services, forbidding meanwhile during divine service all tapping, fishing, hunting and other usual occupations, handicrafts and business, be it in houses, cellars, shops, ships, yachts or on the streets and market places, under penalty of forfeiting all such wares, goods and merchandise and of redeeming them with a payment of 25 fl., to be applied until further orders for the support of the poor and the churches, besides a fine of one pound Flemish, payable by purchaser as well as seller, employer as well as employee, half of it going to the officer, the other half at the discretion of the Court. We also hereby forbid that anyone may on the said day give himself up, to his disgrace and the offence of others, to excessive drinking, under the penalty, if so found, of being arrested by our Fiscal or any superior or inferior officer and punished arbitrarily by the Court.
Decreed and published at New Amsterdam in N.N., April 29, 1648.


The Records of New Amsterdam from 1653 to 1674 Anno Domini, Volume I Minutes of the Court of Burgomasters and Schepens 1653-1655, Translations by Edumund O'Callaghan,  Edited by Berthold Fernow,  1897, Published under the authority of the City of New York by the Knickerbocker Press

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