Document: |Minutes|Case |Isaacq Boda v. Pieter Janzen; default

Holding Institution
Document ID

|Proceeding|Deliberation in consultation with the surveyors of building lines and fences: on the ways and means of the paving of the Brouwerstraat: decision postponed |List|List|Order|To Herri Breser to construct his part of the sheet piling |Minutes|Court| |List|List|Minutes|Case|Schout Nicasius de Sille v. Nicolaas Velthuisen and Jan van Deventer; schout submits his demand |Minutes|Case|Schout Nicasius de Sille v. Madaleen Vincent; demand for fine for abuse of the magistrate Wilhelmus Beeckman and the farmer of the excise; Wernaar Wessels; interpreter granted; fined and warned not to misbehave |Minutes|Case|Schout Nicasius de Sille v. Lodowijk Pos: default

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