Document: Will of Jan Bartram, formerly lieutenant commander at Curaçao

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Will of Jan Bartram. [1642]

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[ In the year after the birth ] of our Lord and Savior [ Jesus Christ, six ]teen hundred [ and forty ]–two, [ the sixth ] [1] day of January, [ before me, ] Cornelis van Tienhoven, [ secretary ] residing in New Netherland [ for the ] Chartered West India Company, in the presence of, and before the undersigned witnesses, [ appeared ] Jan Bartram, born at ’s-Gravenhage, lying abed sick at the house of Barent Dircksen, baker, residing on the island of Manhattan, but in full possession of his memory and understanding as it seemed evident to us, who declared that he, reflecting on the certainty of death and the uncertainty of the hour thereof, and wishing to anticipate all such uncertainty by certain testamentary disposition, of his own free will, with full knowledge and after due deliberation, without inducement, persuasion or misleading on the part of any person, has made and concluded, as he hereby does make and conclude, his testament and disposition of last will in the form and manner herein after written:

First, after expressly revoking all and every testament and other disposition which he, before the date hereof, has in anywise made, executed or granted, he first commends his soul, always and whenever it shall leave his body, to the infinite mercy of Almighty God, and his body to a Christian burial, in the hope of a glorious resurrection at the last day. And herewith coming to the disposition of all his possessions, means and effects, together with wages and earned monthly pay, all other profits and earnings and all such houses and lands as he, the testator, has lying at Lutjenburch[2] in the duchy of Holstein, the testator has bequeathed, made over and left, as he hereby bequeaths, makes over and leaves the same, to Catrina Lysinck from Coetsvelt,.[3] his, the testator’s, present wife, and that

[ ] [4]

[ ]

shown [ ]

out of all [ ]

Barent [ ]

Dircksen [ ]

Sergeant Rodolff [ ]

requesting and requiring [ that every one shall acknowledge ] this to be his last [ will and testament and ] requesting that this may [ take effect and ] after his death be observed and [ fulfilled ] before all courts, judges and [ justices ]. Furthermore, that she, Catrina Lysinc, after the testator’s death shall be left in undisputed possession of all that shall belong to her under this will, without being obliged to render any statement or accounting thereof to any of the testator’s relatives or friends.[ 5]7 In token and testimony of the honest truth this signed with his own hand and by the witnesses hereto invited, the day and year above written. Done as above.

Jan Bartram
Siben Clasen
Hendrick Pietersen
Cornelis van Tienhoven

Translation Superscripts
[1]: See power of attorney from Pieter Jurgens to Elias de Raet, dated July 4, 1642.
[2]: Lütjenburg, a small city, a few miles east of Kiel, in Holstein
[3]: Koesfeld, in Westphalia
[4]: Manuscript destroyed.
[ 5]: Vrienden oft bekenden: literally, friends or acquaintances, but probably intended for “relatives or friends,” the word vrienden being used in the sense of bloedvrienden, or blood relations.

From the collections of the New York State Archives, Albany, New York.  

Translation link see:

Published bound volume is also available: Translation: Scott, K., & Stryker-Rodda, K. (Ed.). New York Historical Manuscripts: Dutch, Vol. 2, Register of the Provincial Secretary, 1642-1647 (A. Van Laer, Trans.). Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc.: 1974.

Copyright to the published bound volume is held by the Holland Society of New York.
A complete copy of this publication is available on the
New Netherland Institute website.

To Party 1
From Party 1
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