Document: Proclamation|Burgomasters and Schepenen concerning the appointment of sworn grain measurers

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Proclamation|Burgomasters and Schepenen concerning the appointment of sworn grain measurers

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The Burgomasters and Schepens of the City of Amsterdam in N.N. having deemed it necessary, that following the laudable customs of the [Renewed Febr. 21, 1658] Fatherland, a sworn and qualified person be appointed to the office of grain measurer and what belongs to it in this City, who shall measure goods, sold by the tun or schepel, the Director General and Council of N.N. have chosen out of the persons nominated for said office by the Burgomasters and Schepens, and hereby confirm Jacob Leendersen van die Grift and Michie! Janzen, of which the community is hereby informed, that in the case of delivering or receiving any grain, lime or whatever else is handled by the tun or schepel these sworn measurers may be called and employed, who shall receive as salary for their work for each tun of lime or such like 4 stivers, for each schepel 8 pence* or half a stiver, of which the receiver and the deliverer shall each pay one half.
*16 pence make a stiver, 20 st. a florin, equal to 40 cents U. S.
That henceforth no differences between the delivering and the receiving parties may arise, it is ordered, that from now nobody shall be allowed to measure for himself or have measured by anybody else, than the sworn measurers, any grain, lime or, goods, which are sold by the tun or schepel or come here from elsewhere as cargoes and in wholesale, under a penalty of 3 fl. for the first transgression, 6 fl. for the second and arbitrary correction for the third.
However we except from the operation of this order all measuring by persons in their business or what among burghers goes from one hand to the other for provisions, as long as they do not quarrel over the measure and are satisfied with what is delivered or received and that the measures have been gauged, according to law.
Thus done etc., February 19, 1657.


The Records of New Amsterdam from 1653 to 1674 Anno Domini, Volume I Minutes of the Court of Burgomasters and Schepens 1653-1655, Translations by Edmund O'Callaghan,  Edited by Berthold Fernow,  1897, Published under the authority of the City of New York by the Knickerbocker Press

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