18th of June, Monday[i]
In session at Fort Amsterdam, present the honorable lord, Petrus Stuyvesant, the lords councilors Nicasius de Sille and Pieter Tonneman.
Jan Paul Jacquet, former commandant on the South River of New Netherland, appears and is informed that it is said that he had first violated the arrest placed upon the tobacco of Niels Laarsen, which he denies, but says that Jacob Swenske had first violated the arrest, as said Swenske had fetched his tobacco from there on 21 December, and he, Jacquet, [not before the 2nd of January. Thereupon follows Gregory van Dyck, schout of the Swedes on the South River of New Netherland, who was present, and asks for a copy of what] Jacquet brings [ forward against Jacob ] Swenske, which he is granted. Dated as above.
Received the attached writing of Jan Paul Jacquet, former commandant on the South River, which having been read, the fiscal decided the rejection of Jean Paul Jacquet’s answer and that he be ordered to answer immediately to the summary given him and in default thereof, to go back to his old place of arrest until he shall have answered.
The argument having been heard by the director general and the assessor Tonneman, the demand of the fiscal is agreed to and granted. Date as above.
[19th of June.[ii]
The defendant Jean Paul Jacquet denies] the accusation brought against him and asserts that it was mostly partisan discord, upon which it was presumed in favor of the petitioner that there may have been some; he is discharged from arrest and given permission to depart for the South River of New Netherland after having given an account of his administration and delivered the protocols and other documents concerning the Company or his service, provided that he engage himself upon further proof to answer the lord fiscal, who in the meantime is directed to inform himself more closely regarding the charges, may they be for or against the defendant and to report the result either orally or in writing at the session of the director general and councilors. Dated as above.
[several lines lost] ship [ was ] found [ ] that the contraband [ ] the value thereof [ ] the smuggled goods might be declared as forfeited.[iii]
The director general and additional councilors of New Netherland, having heard the demand of the fiscal, order the fiscal to place a copy thereof in the hands of the parties in order to reply as soon as shall be possible. Dated as above.