Document: Prayer | Prayer before meeting

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Prayer | Prayer before meeting

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Oh God of Gods [paper broken and worn away] of Hosts Heavenly and Merciful We thank Thee, not only that Thou hast created us  but also that Thou hast received us in Christ as allies. In addition it has pleased Thee to make us the rulers of the people in this place. Oh, Lord, our God, we miserable men acknowledge, that we are not worthy of this honor, we are also too weak and unfit to discharge this trust, unless Thou, oh God, gives us assistance. We pray Thee, the Fountain of all good Gifts, make us fit through Thy grace, that we may do the duties, imposed upon us, faithfully and honestly. Enlighten for this purpose the darkness of our minds, that we may distinguish right from wrong, truth from lies and give clean and just decision as judges, having our eyes on Thy Word, which is a sure guide to simple wisdom. Let Thy law be the light upon our paths and a lantern for our footsteps, that we may never leave the path of justice. Let us remember, that we hold Court, not of men, but of God, who sees and hears everything. Let respect of person be far from us, so that we may judge the poor and the rich, friends and enemies, inhabitants and strangers, according to the same rules of truth and never deviate from them as a favor to anybody, and whereas gifts blind the eyes of the wise, keep our hearts from greed, grant also, that we condemn nobody lightly or unheard, but listen patiently to the litigants, give them time to defend themselves. Thy mouth and word be our counsel. Grant us also the grace, that we may use the power, which Thou hast given us, for the general benefit of the authorities of the church, the protection of the good and the punishment of the bad. Incline also the hearts of the subjects to dutiful obedience, that by their love and prayers our burden may be lightened. Thou knowest also, oh Lord, that bad and ungodly men usually vilify and speak against Thy holy ordinances, therefore arm us with strength, courage, wisdom and confidence, that we may oppose all sins and bad things earnestly and zealously and fight for truth and justice, until we are dead. Please also, oh good Lord, to bless the resolutions, to be taken by us, that they may be carried out and have effect to the honor of Thy holy Name, for the best of this place, entrusted to us, and for our salvation. Hear and listen to us, oh good God, in this and in all, which Thou knowest is for our good, for the sake of Jesus Christ, Thy dear son, in whose name we close our prayer thus:
Our Father etc.


The Records of New Amsterdam from 1653 to 1674 Anno Domini, Volume I Minutes of the Court of Burgomasters and Schepens 1653-1655, Translations by Edmund O'Callaghan,  Edited by Berthold Fernow,  1897, Published under the authority of the City of New York by the Knickerbocker Press

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