Document: Power of attorney from John Dolling to Augustyn Herrman to collect moneys due by the West India Company to Isaac Boere, with blank form of substitution by Augustyn Herrman

Holding Institution
(link is external)New York State Archives
Document ID

Power of attorney. John Dolling to Augustyn Herrman, to collect money from the W. I. Company at Amsterdam; with substitution by Augustyn Herrman of ........ to collect said money. [1646]

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Before me, Cornelis van Tienhoven, secretary of New Netherland, appeared Mr. Jan Dollingh, attorney of Isaack Boore, who in the presence of the undersigned witnesses declares [ as follows ]: Whereas Willem Cornelissen Oldemarckt, late master of the ship De Blauwe Haen, has paid here in New Netherland to the above mentioned Dollingh, attorney of Isaack Boere, all such moneys as the aforesaid Isaack Boere has earned on the island of Curaçao from the honorable directors of the General Chartered West India Company, chamber at Amsterdam, as per the account and assignment thereof, and whereas the honorable directors aforesaid have heretofore failed to pay the said account to the aforesaid Willem Cornelisen, because of some difference between the said Oldemerckt and the said directors, wherefore the said Willem Cornelisen has caused sufficient protest to be made against the appearer, therefore the appearer declares that he is moved thereby to empower Mr. Augustyn Herman, in place of the aforesaid Oldemarckt, to ask, demand and collect from the above mentioned directors all such moneys as have been earned by Isaack Boere, together with all such moneys as the appearer has earned from them at Curaçao and on the ship De Blauwe Haen, as will appear by the accounts thereof. On payment and satisfaction of both accounts by the honorable directors, Mr. Augustyn Herman, or his substitute, may execute a receipt therefor, [ the principal ] holding as valid whatever shall be done and transacted in the matter by the aforesaid Augustyn or his substitute. The original hereof in the record is signed by Jan Dollingh and the witnesses, the 29th of October anno 1646, in Fort Amsterdam, New Netherland.

Before me, Cornelis van Tienhoven, secretary of New Netherland, appeared Mr. Augustyn Heerman, who by virtue of the power of attorney dated the 29th of October, given him by Jan Dollingh, substitutes [ ] [1] in his, the appearer’s, stead to demand and collect from the honorable directors of the Chartered West India Company all such sums of money as are due to Isaack Boere and to him, Jan Dollingh, according to the accounts thereof in the custody of Willem Cornelisen Oldemarckt; on payment of which moneys he, the substitute, is empowered to execute a receipt therefor, which shall be valid. The original hereof in the record is signed by Mr. Augustyn Heerman and witnesses, the 29th of October anno 1646, in New Netherland.

Jn° Dolling
Jacob H. Kip
Cornelis van Tienhoven
Augustyn Herrman

Translation Superscripts
[1]: Name not given.

From the collections of the New York State Archives, Albany, New York. (link is external)  

Translation link see: (link is external)

Published bound volume is also available: Translation: Scott, K., & Stryker-Rodda, K. (Ed.). New York Historical Manuscripts: Dutch, Vol. 2, Register of the Provincial Secretary, 1642-1647 (A. Van Laer, Trans.). Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc.: 1974.

Copyright to the published bound volume is held by the (link is external)Holland Society of New York.
A complete copy of this publication is available on the
(link is external)New Netherland Institute website.

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Augustyn Herrman and []
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Isaac Boere
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John Dolling
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