Document: Ordinance|Director General and Council to improve regulation of the currency

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Ordinance|Director General and Council to improve regulation of the currency

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The Director General and Council of New Netherland to All, who shall see these presents or hear them read, Greeting.
WHEREAS we see and for some time past have seen the decline and depreciation of the loose wampum, among which is found much unpierced and only half finished, made of stone, bone, glass, shells, horn, nay even of wood, and broken, which causes many inhabitants to complain, that with it they cannot go to market and buy any commodities, not even a little white bread or a mug of beer, from the traders, bakers and tapsters.
Therefore, wishing to make provisions in this matter to the best of our abilities, we have resolved for the promotion of trade and the common welfare of the inhabitants, that henceforth no loose wampum shall be current or be considered good pay, unless strung upon a wire, as hitherto it has usually been done: thereby we intend to prevent the further invasion and importation of bad and unperforated wampum and to make a distinction between merchantable and strung wampum and prevent all misunderstandings, the said Director General and Council hereby ordain, that merchantable or trade wampum shall pass as good pay as heretofore at the rate of six white or three black beads for one stiver and bad, strung wampum at the rate of eight white or four black for one stiver. We direct hereby everybody to govern himself by the tenor hereof and in case of refusal he shall be deprived of his trade and occupation. The Fiscal is hereby ordered to affix this ordinance after publication and make it known wherever it is necessary, also to do his best in having it executed and obeyed.
Done, resolved and decided at our meeting in Fort Amsterdam in N.N., this 30th of May, 1650.


The Records of New Amsterdam from 1653 to 1674 Anno Domini, Volume I Minutes of the Court of Burgomasters and Schepens 1653-1655, Translations by Edmund O'Callaghan,  Edited by Berthold Fernow,  1897, Published under the authority of the City of New York by the Knickerbocker Press

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