Ordinance for the Company’s officers and common soldiers of the lord director general Petrus Stuyvesant.[i]
The director general, Petrus Stuyvesant, as captain of his company, observing that the last issued order dated 7 October 1655 regarding the appearance before the colors at the beat of the drum and the posting of and remaining on guard, is not attended to and obeyed by the superior and inferior officers [as it ought to be, and as is customary in all garrisons, therefore notifies and commands all officers and soldiers of his company:
That every person shall, on roll of the drum,] make his appearance fully armed [ before the ] colors, [ and if any one shall be found absent at ] the third beat of the drum, he shall forfeit for the first time, if a sergeant six guilders; a corporal, or lance corporal, four guilders; a cadet or private soldier three guilders, and for being absent a second time he shall suffer arbitrary corporal punishment.
Having appeared and been placed in ranks at drum beat, as is fitting, no one, when standing or marching, shall step out of ranks or files, or while standing or marching, discharge his gun without the specific order of the captain, lieutenant or commander of the troop, on pain of forfeiting one month’s pay.
Those who have guard duty shall, as is fitting, appear in their own person at the beat of the drum, fully armed, make formation, and continue and remain at guard duty without being at liberty to send or place another in their stead, unless with the knowledge and consent of the director general, the [ captain lieutenant, or whomsoever may assume these positions in his absence, on penalty of a half month’s pay for the first time, twice as much for the second time, and for the third time an ] arbitrary corporal punishment. In order that this may be the better understood and obeyed, the sergeant of the guard shall not be at liberty to go out of the fort, or from the guard except with the previous knowledge and consent of the director general, the captain, lieutenant, or ensign, the corporal, lance corporal, or cadet, except with the consent of the sergeant and no private soldiers except with the consent of the sergeant, or in his absence, of the corporal, and then only in a small number 2 to 3 at the most at one time, on the penalty above mentioned.
No one shall come drunk to guard duty, or when on guard shall indulge in drinking, on penalty of one daelder or as much more as another, who is commanded and brought to replace him on guard duty by the captain, lieutenant or sergeant, shall earn.
When on parade they shall appear with their hand and side arms, and musket rests, with muskets properly loaded, as is proper.
With experience showing that whenever some soldiers are suddenly and unexpectedly commanded to duty, they then complain, and it is also found, that they have no powder or lead; therefore, everyone is hereby notified and expressly ordered henceforth not to discharge his musket either within or outside the fort, except by consent] of the lieutenant, ensign, or in their absence, of a sergeant, who is hereby ordered and commanded to pay strict attention thereto, on pain of forfeiting six stivers for each shot fired without the previous knowledge and awareness [ of the aforesaid officers ]; once a week and no more (unless in case of necessity occasioned by wetness, or by the filthiness of the hand weapon) the muskets are to be properly loaded with powder and shot and discharged outside the fort along the river’s edge, in order to prevent any mishap.
In order the better to prevent the waste of powder and lead, the superior and inferior officers, particularly the sergeants, are ordered every evening, when going on parade, to examine the bandoliers of those placed on guard, and if anyone be found not to have in his bandolier 6 to 8 full measures of powder and ball, he shall forfeit 12 stivers and explain what happened to the powder, and make payment for it.
[The sergeant in charge of the parade and the guard shall every morning, whenever the weather is dry and suitable, properly drill the soldiers and the guard detail at least for one hour or half an hour.
The fines] shall be applied, one-third to the officer or person making the complaint, two-thirds to the benefit of the officers and private soldiers of the Company.
Thus done in Fort Amsterdam in New Netherland, the 20th of September anno 1656.
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