[The director general and councilors of New Netherland, to all those who see this or hear it read, greetings.[i] Let it be known that they, out of consideration of the good and voluntary services, expeditions, watches and other burdens], which the burghers of N[ ] Amsterdam have hitherto done and borne, and in the hope and good confidence that the director general and councilors still conceive their continuance and perseverance therein, have, on the humble petition of the burgomasters and schepenen, privileged and favored the citizenry and good inhabitants of this city, with a great and small burgher right, as can be more fully seen by the grant of privilege made to the burgomasters and schepenen in amplification of that already bestowed; and whereas, in all beginnings, something or somebody must be the first, so that thereafter a distinction and difference can be made, therefore, also, in the establishment of the great and small burgher right, whereof the burgomasters and schepenen have requested by petition to the director general and councilors further explanation, specification and distinction as to who and what sort of [ person ], for the present, to be included in the great as well as in the small burgher right, the necessity of the distinction then being founded on reason. Therefore, the director general [and councilors of New Netherland, invest, qualify, and favor the great burgher right.
First, those who have been and at present are in the high or upper administration of the country, and their descendants in the male line].
Secondly, all former and actual burgomasters and schepenen [ of this city ], and their descendants in the male [ line. ]
Thirdly, the servants of the Holy Word, former and present [ in office ], and their descendants in the male line.
Fourthly, the chief burgher officers up to ensigns inclusive, them and their descendants in the male line. All with this understanding, that the above mentioned gentlemen and persons, for themselves or their descendants in the male line, do not lose nor have lost the burgher right by absence from the city and by not keeping fire and light, in conformity with the laudable custom of the city of Amsterdam in Europe. Further, all others who desire and are inclined, or hereafter may be desirous and inclined, to enjoy the great burgher right, and the privileges and benefits thereof, shall, according to the foregoing act, petition for the same to the burgomasters and schepenen and receive it, [on paying for it the sum of fifty guilders, Dutch money, or the equivalent thereof.
With the small burgher right are invested and favored],
First, all those who have resided and kept fire and light within the city for one year and six weeks.
Secondly, all born within this city.
Thirdly, all who have married, or may hereafter marry, native born daughters of burghers, provided that the burgher right be not lost or forfeited by absence from this city, or by not keeping fire and light in conformity as aforesaid.
Further, all others who either now or hereafter will keep any shop, however it may be called, and carry on business within this city or the jurisdiction thereof, shall be bound beforehand to apply to the burgomasters for the small burgher right, and pay twenty guilders Dutch money for it, or the equivalent thereof.
[ All servants of the honorable Company under wages, also passengers and new-comers who will settle ] elsewhere, provided they do so [ within six weeks, remain alone exempt from applying for burgher right, for the exercise of all sorts of handicraft and the practice thereof ].
The monies arising from the receipt of the burgher right shall be received by the burgomasters, and by them managed principally in the strengthening and circumvallation of this city.
In order that all this may be the better and in proper order practiced, observed and obeyed, the burgomasters are ordered and authorized to make out, or cause to be made out on the first and all following occasions, a proper list of those who, according to the tenor hereof, are interested, qualified and favored either with the great or small burgher right, and of those who obtain and receive the same hereafter and have a well-kept register thereof, and upon request, to deliver a copy thereof to the office of the secretary of the director general and councilors.
[ Thus done, resolved, resumed and enacted in the assembly of the director general and councilors of New Netherland, ] held in Fort Amsterdam, in New Netherland, 12 February anno 1657.
P. Stuyvesant
Nicasius de Sille Pieter Tonneman
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