Document: Order to the magistrates of Oostdurp (Westchester) to put John Artcher in possession of certain goods belonging to Richard Panton

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Order to the magistrates of Oostdurp (Westchester) to put John Artcher in possession of certain goods belonging to Richard Panton, by virtue of an execution.

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Whereas Jan Artcherhas remonstrated and informed us that he requested satisfaction from Richard Pamton [sic] according to a judgment dated the 20th of this month, and as a result had some goods attached at Oostdurp, which attached goods were sold by the aforesaid Pantom, in contempt of justice, after the attachment was imposed and conveyed to others. He informed the magistrates of Oostdurp of this and requested their help and assistance in the matter, but was unable to receive any help or assistance (so he says). For this our assistance is requested.

Therefore, we have commissioned and ordered our provost marshal, Resolveert Waldron, and court messenger, Claes van Elslant to notify, charge and command the aforesaid magistrates that they should assist the aforesaid John Artcher as much as possible so that he may enjoy the effect of our aforesaid judgment, on pain of proceedings being instituted against them, as is appropriate, if they be found negligent herein; in addition, ordering the aforesaid persons, with the assistance of the aforesaid magistrates, to attach and impound the goods formerly belong-with as many of Pantoms goods as shall be necessary for satisfaction of the contents of the aforesaid judgment. In so doing justice shall be maintained and our earnest intention be carried out.[1]

Issued and done in Fort Amsterdam in N. Netherland, the 29th of March 1659, and affixed with the countrys seal.

Note: Because this is an order of the council, this warrant was not paid for by the council.

Translation Superscripts
[1]: See LWA, 109 regarding this case.

From the collections of the New York State Archives, Albany, New York.  

Translation link see:

Published bound volume is also available: Translation: Gehring, C., trans./ed., New Netherland Documents Series: Vol. 16, part 1, Laws and Writs of Appeal, 1647-1663 (Syracuse: 1991).

Copyright to the published bound volume is held by the Holland Society of New York.
A complete copy of this publication is available on the
New Netherland Institute website.

To Party 1
To Party 1 Text Unlinked
Magistrates of Oostdurp (Westchester)
To Party 2
To Party 2 Text Unlinked
Jan Artcherhas
Additional To Parties
Additional To Parties (Unlinked)
Richard Pamton
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