Document: Minutes|Case|William Merrit v. Otto Gerrits: demand for payment of debt: counter-claim: ordered to produce account

Holding Institution
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Minutes|Case|William Merrit v. Otto Gerrits: demand for payment of debt: counter-claim: ordered to produce account|Court Case |John Manning v. Marten Hofman: referred to arbitrators|Court Case |Nicolaes Bayard v. Marten Hofman: referred to arbitrators|Order |On the request of Pieter Nys: curator of the estate of Bartel Man: to John Garland to pay his debt for the purchase of a house or face execution of the judgment|Order |At the request of John Lawrence: attorney of John Barker: declaring the arrest on goods of Barker in the hands of Sandford invalid|Order |For payment to be made to Benjamin Johns: reimbursing him for making the stone well in the State House yard

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