August 8, 1644
Jan Jansen Schepmoes, guardian of the minor surviving children of the late Marritjen Piters, plaintiff, vs. the heirs of the late Brant Pelen, defendants.
Plaintiff says that some time ago he caused the defendants to be summoned here before the supreme court of New Netherland in order to claim all such inheritance as the surviving children of Marritjen Piters, espoused wife (ondertrouwde vrouw) of the late Brant Pelen, are entitled to according to the marriage contract entered into between the above named persons; and whereas he, the plaintiff, on the court's refusal to hear the case, was heretofore referred to the competent judges of said heirs in Renselaerswyc, the said action, for failure of the court there to render a decision within two months, should now be tried here.
Defendant says that he caused the plaintiff's attorney to be summoned four times, although he himself should have been summoned, but that said attorney never filed a complaint; that it did not suit his convenience to wait any longer and that he can not stay here any longer either, as the ship is ready to sail.
Parties being heard and it being found that the case is so difficult that it can not be disposed of in so short a time without great detriment to the parties, and that the property is in Holland whither defendant is going, therefore, parties are referred to the honorable schepens at Amsterdam, on condition that the money claimed as due to the heirs shall remain attached in the hands of the heirs of Mr. Renselaer, deceased, until the case shall be finally decided.
Piter Wolphersen complains to the court that Michiel Cristoffelsz, Paulus Heyman and Huybert Jansen van Sprangh have cut his wainscoting to pieces with cutlasses, which they confess.
Therefore, Paulus Heyman and Huybert Jansen are sentenced to ride the wooden horse for three hours. And whereas Michiel Cristoffelsz was put in chains for his former crimes and nevertheless has now committed this new offense, he is condemned to stand for three hours under the gallows with a cutlass in his hand
On August 18
The fiscal, plaintiff, vs. the brewers residing about Fort Amsterdam. Plaintiff demands payment of the duty according to the ordinance. [ The court having ] noticed the unwillingness of the brewers, it is resolved that if they do not pay willingly, they shall be proceeded against with rigor of justice and be forced to pay.
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