On the 5th of August 1[ 6 ]38
Cornelis Dircksen, plaintiff, vs. Adriaene [ Cuveliers ],[1] defendant. The defendant is ordered to satisfy the plaintiff's [ claim ].
Cornelis Lambertsen Cool, plaintiff, vs. Jan van Vorst. The defendant is condemned by virtue of his declaration to pay the plaintiff fl. 3 and no more.
Ditto Cool, plaintiff, vs. Vroutjen Ides. Default.
Jan Loosrecht, plaintiff, vs. Jan Eversten Bout, defendant, for recovery of earned monthly wages. The defendant Is condemned to pay the plaintiff for the period of service rendered, namely, fl. 50.
Abraham Page, plaintiff, vs. Barent Dircksz, baker. Defendant condemned to pay plaintiff what he owes him.
Ulrich Lupolt, plaintiff, vs. Gillis Pietersen, chief boatswain and butler of the caravel De. Hoop. defendant, for having as a rascal and contrary to his oath left the service of the Company and gone over to the English. Ordered that all the defendant’s monthly wages be confiscated and furthermore that his name be posted as that of a rascal.
On the 12th of August
It having been resolved in council to appoint two Inspectors of the tobacco which shall be grown in the district of New Nether- land in order that the tobacco culture here may not lose its reputation, we have appointed and commissioned, as we do appoint and commission, Claes van Elslandt and Wybrant Pietersen Inspectors; and henceforth no tobacco shall be exported out of this province without having been inspected by the inspectors and declared to be good merchandise. For which they shall receive a salary of 10 stivers per 100 pounds.
Waster Gerlyn, plaintiff, vs. Hendrick Pietersen from Wesel, defendant, for payment for goods delivered to him. Parties are ordered to bring proper proof tomorrow.
On the 19th of August, being Thursday
Everardus Bogardus, minister, plaintiff, vs. Loosrecht, farm hand, defendant. The plaintiff demands that the defendant shall be at his service, as he bound himself to the plaintiff. The defendant having admitted the same is ordered by the director and council to place himself at the service of the plaintiff or to come to further agreement with him.
Adam Roelantsen, plaintiff, vs. Jan Kant [ ], in an action of slander. Cant having threatened to make complaint against the [ plaintiff ] before the director and council, he gave for answer that he cared for no one in the country.
Declaration of Hendrick Jansen, locksmith, that he heard Adam Roelantsen say that he had enough of every one in New Netherland.
Declaration of Jan Jansen, from Bremen, that he heard said Adam say that he had enough of the country and all that concerned it.
Declaration of Remner Jansen that he heard Adam Roelants say that he had enough of the country and the council. Whereupon Jan Cant said, "Do you mean the director also?" Thereupon Adam kept still.
Rights: This translation is provided for education and research purposes, courtesy of the New York State Library Manuscripts and Special Collections, Mutual Cultural Heritage Project. Rights may be reserved. Responsibility for securing permissions to distribute, publish, reproduce or other use rest with the user. For additional information see our Copyright and Use Statement Source: New York State Archives. New York (Colony). Council. Dutch colonial council minutes, 1638-1665. Series A1809-78. Volume 4, page 14.