November 25
Willem Wodtheyt from Yorkshire in old England, aged 22 years, acknowledges before the court martial that he deserted his service; also, that he took with him arms belonging to the Company and stole a pistol from his captain's room.
Tomas Cornel from Hartfoortschler[1] in old England, 24 or 25 years of age, acknowledges before the court martial that he, being a soldier, deserted the service of the Company.
The honorable director general and the court martial of New Netherland, having seen the written criminal complaint of the fiscal against Willem Wodtheyt from Yorkshire in old England, at present a prisoner, wherein the fiscal charges him, the prisoner, with having deserted his Company, taken with him arms belonging to the Company, stolen a pistol from his captain's room and run away from his master in Virginia, all of which he, the prisoner, voluntarily, without torture or irons, acknowledged and admitted, and which is in direct violations of the regulations of the militia and consequently not to be tolerated or suffered in a country where justice is administered; therefore, we, having invoked the name of God and wishing to render a righteous judgment, condemn the above named Willem Wodtheyt to be taken to the place where it is customary to execute justice and there to be shot to death as an example to all other transgressors. Thus done in court martial, in Fort Amsterdam.
The honorable director and court martial of New Netherland, having seen the criminal complaint of the fiscal against Tomas Cornel from Hartfoortschier in old England, from which it appears that the above mentioned prisoner, being a soldier, deserted the service of the Company without pass or consent of the honorable director or his captain, which he has acknowledged free from shackles and which is a violations of the military regulations; therefore, we, administering justice, condemn the aforesaid delinquent to be taken to the place of execution and there to be tied to a post and to have a bullet fired over his head, as an example to others. Thus done in court martial, in Fort Amsterdam in New Netherland.
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