The honorable director general and council having observed the fitness of Commissary Andries Hudden have unanimously resolved and concluded to continue him in the service of the Chartered West India Company as Commissary at Fort Nassauw on the South river of New Netherland, which Hudden shall be given the same allowance and salary as shall be granted to other commissaries stationed at distant outlying posts.
Done the 20th of September anno 1647. Was signed:
P. Stuyvesant, la Montange, Brian Newton, A. Keyser. In the margin was written: Present, the honorable general, Mr. Dincklagen, Mr. La Montangne, Lieutenant Nuton, Paulus Leendersz and Commissary Keyser.
Being informed and advised on the 17th of September, upon the return of Secretary Tienhoven and Commissary van Bruggen, among other reports, that they fell in with and found in front of the place called by the English, New Haven, within the limits of our jurisdiction and government, a certain ship called Beninjo which sailed with consent and commission from Medenblick, the master and merchants of which had earnestly prayed and requested of them to procure from us and our council permission to go with their ship, persons, merchants and goods in front of our capital and residence of New Amsterdam on the Manhatans and there, on paying to the government the customary duties on the imported goods and exported returns, to enjoy the same trading privileges, exemptions and power to trade and do business as we were accustomed to confer on other of our traders and merchants, which being communicated to us and our council by our secretary and commissary, we, not doubting the correctness of their reports or the sincerity of the applicants, have consented, granted and allowed, as we on their application do hereby consent, grant and allow the skipper, Cornelis Claesen Snoo; the merchants, Mr. Willem Westerhuysen and Samuel van Goedenhuysen, and the sailors of said ship Beninjo to come and go with their persons, ships, goods and merchandise, without let or hindrance at the very first opportunity, to trade and transact business the same as our own subjects, on condition that they pay to us or to the honorable directors the customary duties on the imported merchandise and exported returns, as others of our merchants and traders are wont to do, without our being obliged, however, in virtue thereof, to grant them like priveleges hereafter.
Done at Fort Amsterdam, on the Manhatans in New Netherland, and for further security signed with our own hand and sealed with our usual seal, this 22d of September anno 1647, Was signed: P. Stuyvesant, L. van Dincklaghe, La Montangne, Brian Newton, Pouwelis Leendersz van die Grift and A. Keyser.
Rights: This translation is provided for education and research purposes, courtesy of the New York State Library Manuscripts and Special Collections, Mutual Cultural Heritage Project. Rights may be reserved. Responsibility for securing permissions to distribute, publish, reproduce or other use rest with the user. For additional information see our Copyright and Use Statement Source: New York State Archives. New York (Colony). Council. Dutch colonial council minutes, 1638-1665. Series A1809-78. Volume 4, page 333.