June 20
Piere Malenfant, of Riennes,[1] in Brittany, 35 years of age, declares that yesterday evening about nine o'clock, as it was getting dark, he came from the farm in company with Paulus Heyman and his wife, he carrying the child on his arm and the woman the gun. Near Damen's house, the sentry, named Andries Tummelyn, called out, "Who goes there?" He answered, "A friend." Paulus Heyman said, "Good evening, Joncker Nobleman," to which the sentry replied, "What do you want, Merchant?" Hyman retorted, "Lick my a - e;" whereupon the sentry came out and he, the deponent, seeing him coming, put down the child and drew his sword. He then was stabbed through his arm and received another stab in his thigh; all of which he confirms on oath.
Paulus Heyman, of Leyden, about 26 years of age, declares in court that yesterday, it being dark and rainy, he came from the farm with his wife and Piere Malenfant near Jan Damen's house, where Andries Tumelyn stood sentry, who called out, "Who goes there?" Piere answered, "Good friend" and "Joncker;" he, Paulus, said, "Nobleman," and walked on. Having gone on ahead, he heard a noise and saw that the sentry and Piere Malenfant were fighting on the road, on this side of the fence; all of which he confirms on oath.
Tryntjen Barents, of Rotterdam, wife of Paulus Heyman, 29 years of age, declares that she came with her husband and Piere Malenfant near Jan Damen's house, where the sentry called out, "Who goes there?" Piere Malenfant answered, "Good evening, Joncker," and Heyman answered, "Good evening. Nobleman." She says further that she did not hear any more. The sentry came, walking between Leendert and big Tryn. Seeing him coming, she said, "Piter, there comes some one," and took her child from Piere's arm. Malenfant went toward the sentry, who likewise came toward him, whereupon he, Malenfant, was wounded. They then went to the fort. This day, June 20, 1645.
On June 29, 1645
Willem Bredenbent, plaintiff, vs. Gerrit the Moff, defendant. Ordered that Gerrit is condemned to pay if Aeltjen prove that Gerrit desired her to have patience and [ promised ] that he would then pay her; on the other hand, if he prove that Aeltjen Brackonge's late husband released him from his obligation, plaintiff's complaint is dismissed.
Having taken into consideration the complaint of the fiscal against Piter van[ den ] Bergh and Willem de Key and the importance thereof, the challenging of the judges, the secret intriguing of some uneasy persons and the smallness of our number, since only the two of us could sit as judges, we have thought fit to postpone this case until the arrival of the new director (who is hourly expected), unless a ship sail from here to the fatherland before [ his arrival ]. Meanwhile, the fiscal is to use all diligence to see if he can obtain still further information and Piter van[ den ] Berch and Willem de Key are ordered not to leave the Manhatans meanwhile.
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