The honorable fiscal, plaintiff, vs. Willem de Key, defendant. Having seen the proceedings of the fiscal of New Netherland against Willem de Key defendant, and duly considered the case, we have, in view of the importance thereof, sent over Willem de Key with the documents in the suit, in order that he may render an account of his actions to the honorable directors.
The honorable fiscal, plaintiff, vs. Piter van[ den ] Bergh, defendant. Having seen the proceedings of the fiscal against Piter van[ den ] Bergh and duly considered the case, we have, in view of the importance thereof, sent over Piter van[ den ] Bergh with the documents in the suit, in order that he may render an account of his actions to the honorable directors.
In court appeared Symen Pos, who said that Adriaen van[ der ] Donck was a dishonest man.
July 21, 1645[1]
Symen Dircksen Pos, plaintiff, vs. Adriaen vander Donck, defendant, in a case of appeal.
Having seen the proceedings of the plaintiff as well as of the defendant and the judgment in the case rendered by the court of Renselaers Wyck, dated the 18th of November 1644, from which the plaintiff appealed here, and having carefully weighed and considered everything, we, the director and council of New Netherland, decide that the judgment is well founded, but that the costs of the suit shall be assessed by us according to a properly itemized bill, without fine, as no demand on the part of any prosecuting officer appears, and the plaintiff is condemned in the costs of the appeal here.
Symon Dircksen Pos, plaintiff, vs. Augustyn Heerman, defendant, it being claimed that defendant, without the plaintiff's consent, has given orders to bring a case of beavers down [ the river ], which beavers were damaged. Having heard the complaint and the answer of both parties, it is ordered that Symon Pos shall prove that defendant gave orders to take the beavers down.
Augustyn Heerman, plaintiff, vs. Symon Pos, defendant, for payment of fl. Defendant acknowledges the debt and is condemned to pay before plaintiff's departure, on condition that plaintiff give security for the judgment in the preceding action.
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