On the 2d of July anno 1643
Burger Jorissen, plaintiff, vs. Jaques Bentyn, defendant, for payment of fl. 48. The defendant admits being indebted, but says that he does not know that the sum is so large. The case is adjourned until Burger's arrival when their account shall be adjusted.
Jaques Bentyn, plaintiff, vs. Willem Adriaensz, cooper, defendant. Parties are ordered first to adjust their accounts, in order to know exactly what is due to the plaintiff.
Eduwart Griffis, plaintiff, vs. Jan Celes, defendant, for fl. 187 and a pair of shoes earned by the plaintiff in working [ for the defendant ]. The defendant promises to pay within two months. The defendant is condemned to pay within six or eight weeks.
Barent Jansen, plaintiff, vs. Cornelis Kelyn, defendant.
The defendant says that his contract made with the plaintiff at Amsterdam was not fulfilled and that another contract was made.
The plaintiff says that the contract was fulfilled. The defendant offers to confirm by oath that as far as the land was concerned the contract was not fulfilled; which the defendant confirms by oath. The defendant having taken the oath that he did not release the plaintiff from his contract as far as the land was concerned, the plaintiff is condemned to continue to reside on Staten island according to the aforesaid contract.
On the 9th of July
Cornelio van[ der ] Hoykens, fiscal, ex officio plaintiff, vs. Adriaen van[ der ] Donc, officer of Rensselaerswyck, defendant. The officer, Verdonc, having been legally summoned at the request of the fiscal and the defendant having twice failed to appear, the second default was entered against him after his name had three times been called by the court messenger, the aforesaid messenger being authorized to summon the said Verdonc for the third and last time to appear four weeks from date in Fort Amsterdam to hear the complaint of the fiscal general of New Netherland
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