On the 21st of November, being Thursday
Hendrick van Dyck, plaintiff, vs. Willem Cornelisz Coster, defendant. The plaintiff demands according to his power of attorney three beavers which the defendant bought from Schepmoes, who obtained from one Tourbay, who had stolen and sold them. The defendant admits having bought the beavers from Schepmoes without knowing that they were stolen. The defendant is condemned to deliver the three beavers next Thursday to the court in the fort, retaining the right to recover the loss from Schepmoes.
Jan Eversen Bout, plaintiff, vs. Wolphert Gerritsz, defendant, for payment of fl. 50. The defendant requests time until the next court day to reply in writing.
Cornelis Volckersz, plaintiff, vs. Samuel Chandelaer, defendant, for fl. 85 spent by the defendant for entertainment at his house. The defendant admits the debt and promises to pay one-half within a month and the other half in two months.
Johannes Winckelman, plaintiff, vs. Cornelis Lambersz Cool, defendant. First default.
Borger Jorisz declares in court at the request of the fiscal that he heard Hendrick, the railor, speak of "giving birth" and "he is a rascal," saying immediately after it, "I do not mean
that." He also says that he heard nothing more, but that there were other words spoken before and after which he did not hear. All of which the deponent has confirmed by oath.
Hendrick Jansen is asked in court whether he has anything to say against the hereinafter named persons and why the same should not be allowed to testify to the truth, to wit: Arent van Curler, Laurens Cornelisz, Jan Damen, Borger Jorisz. Answer, No.
Rights: This translation is provided for education and research purposes, courtesy of the New York State Library Manuscripts and Special Collections, Mutual Cultural Heritage Project. Rights may be reserved. Responsibility for securing permissions to distribute, publish, reproduce or other use rest with the user. For additional information see our Copyright and Use Statement Source: New York State Archives. New York (Colony). Council. Dutch colonial council minutes, 1638-1665. Series A1809-78. Volume 4, page 150.