On the 9th of October anno 1642
Pieter Cornelisz, plaintiff, vs. Johannes Winckelman, defendant, for payment of 435 gl. The defendant admits the debt, but says that he has no money for the present. He offers to pay in duffel according to market value. The defendant is condemned to pay in money or goods to the value thereof.
Jacob Roy, plaintiff, vs. Jan Pietersz, defendant, for payment of fl. 54. The defendant admits the debt and is condemned to pay, also 12 stivers for the summons.
Piere Cecero, plaintiff, vs. N. N., Englishman, tailor, defendant. First default.
Piere Cecero, defendant, vs. Jan Haes, plaintiff, First default.
On the 16th of October 1642
Andries Hudden appeared in council and requested a certificate showing how much pay he might demand of those who employ him as surveyor. He is granted 3 gl. a day and furthermore 2 stivers per morgen and free transportation by ferry and expenses.
Els .Jen Jans declares in court that she was forced to speak of Cornelis Melyn and his wife as she did on the 11th of September; also that Melyn's wife said that Adriaen had a wife and 3 children in Holland and that he was engaged here in this country and that the clothes which he wore were borrowed; furthermore, that she had given her brother on a Sunday on Staten island a shilling to be given to Adriaen Pietersz with the request that said Adriaen should come the next monday. He came there in the evening about 8 o'clock and she departed immediately with him for the strand, finding there a small yawl in which was the boy of Jan from Rotterdam and no one else. She is ordered to appear on the next court day and to bring Auken with her.
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