On the 19th of October anno 1642
Piere Pia, plaintiff, vs. Barent Dircksz, defendant, as surety for Willem Willemsz in the sum of fl. 26:6. Plaintiff proves by Aert, the smith, and Tomas Broen that the defendant became surety for Willem Willemsz in the sum of fl. 26:6. No appearance on the part of the defendant; first default.
Mr. Wilcock, plaintiff, vs. Robbert Pinoyer, defendant. First default.
Whereas persons who are summoned show much neglect in falling to appear for minor reasons, thus allowing default to be taken against them, and whereas this tends to bring the council into disrepute, we have therefore ordained, as we do ordain hereby, that henceforth 6 stivers shall be paid for the first default,
12 stivers for the second default and that on the third and last default judgment shall be given against him. Thus done in council on the date above written.
On the 17th of October
Jannitjen Martens, widow of the late Jan Tomasz Mingal, declares that Jan from Meppelen, skipper of the Sevenster, promised to marry her, before God, and on that condition slept with her and had carnal conversation with her, with promise of van Meppelen that he would never leave her and that the banns would be published here and that on arriving safely at Curaçao he would marry her there.
Jan van Meppelen says that the first evening when he asked to sleep with Jannitjen Mertens she asked, "Do you intend to marry me?" To which he replied, "Do you think I have any other intentions?"; having nothing with him to give to her.
Claes Eversen from Amsterdam, aged 22 years, says that Jan van Meppelen five or six weeks ago came to the house of Jannitjen Mertens, who said, "Jan, people say that you will not marry me." The skipper said, "Do you believe other people rather than me?"; promising that he would marry her at Curaçao and would have the banns published here.
The parties are allowed time to think the matter over until the next court day, in order then to take the oath.
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