On the 8th of November anno 1640
Cornelio vander Hoykens, fiscal, plaintiff, vs. Ulrich Lupholt, defendant. Default.
Jan Jacobsen from Vrelandt, plaintiff, vs. Barent Dircksen from Norden, defendant. Default.
On Thursday, being the 15th of November
Anna Jans, wife of Jan Snediger, cadet, defendant, that is to say, plaintiff, vs. Maria Tirry, defendant, for slander. The fiscal, becoming a party to the case, substitutes himself for the plaintiff because the defendant beat Anna Jans on the public highway and he therefore demands that she be tried and punished. Marla Tirry is condemned to pay the fine to the fiscal and to reimburse the plaintiff for the expenses incurred by her.
Cornelio vander Hoykens, plaintiff, vs. Ulrich Lupholt, defendant, for fraud committed by him in pricing the store goods. The plaintiff, submitting his complaint in writing, sustains that Lupholt has greatly advanced the prices of goods, contrary to the regulation; also, that he has been very negligent in the care of them. The defendant requesting time to answer the complaint is granted a delay until Thursday.
Nicolaes Coorn, appearing before the council, requests. Inasmuch as Gillis Ros, In his lifetime supercargo of the ship Neptunes, has died, that he may be engaged as supercargo on the said ship. In consideration of the capacity of the aforesaid Coorn we have chosen and appointed him supercargo on the said ship, on condition that he is to receive the same pay as the deceased Gillis Ros.
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