Opinion of the honorable Mr. Dincklagen
According to civil or military law it is not practical for subjects or vassals to submit or draw up interrogatories relating to public or other affairs without permission, authority or power from their superiors.
To the first he says. No; and if it happens it is contrary to practice and a species of opposition. To the second says. Yes; and that no malignant persons, if their malignancy is proved, can be allowed to have any voice in public affairs. To the third says, that such may indeed happen. To the fourth says, No. Was signed: L: van Dincklaghe.
Opinion of Fiscal Van Dyck
To the first article, the fiscal says that it does not become vassals or subjects to prescribe laws, especially when they are not duly authorized thereto by the sovereign power; he is therefore of the opinion that no action should be taken in regard to the interrogatories, but on the contrary that they should be punished as disturbers of the peace and declared to be incompetent. To the second article; the fiscal says. Yes, as they are acting as disturbers of the peace without any order of the commonalty and therefore no notice can be taken of the interrogatories. To the third, Yes. To the fourth, No, as otherwise the secretary would bear his name in vain or improperly. Was signed: H. Van Dyck, fiscal.
Lieutenant Nuton's answers to the proposed articles
To the first, that he has never heard of or seen such a thing; also, in his opinion subjects are not allowed to do so without authority or order from their superiors. To the second answers, that evil consequences may follow, and answers, yes. To the third article answers, Yes. To the fourth article answers, Absolutely no. Was signed: Brian Nuton.
Opinion of Commander Looper
To the first answers, No, and that such neither can be nor ought to be tolerated. To the second answers, Yes. To the third. Yes. To the fourth, No. Was signed: Jacob Looper.
Rights: This translation is provided for education and research purposes, courtesy of the New York State Library Manuscripts and Special Collections, Mutual Cultural Heritage Project. Rights may be reserved. Responsibility for securing permissions to distribute, publish, reproduce or other use rest with the user. For additional information see our Copyright and Use Statement Source: New York State Archives. New York (Colony). Council. Dutch colonial council minutes, 1638-1665. Series A1809-78. Volume 4, page 293.