On the 13th of December 1646
Adriaen vander Donck, plaintiff, vs. Philip Jansen, defendant, for the sum of fl. 80, being the balance of wages due for hauling two masts. The complaint and answer of the parties having been heard, the defendant is condemned to pay the true value of the masts, according to the judgment of two impartial men, provided that the plaintiff give security for the refunding of the money if Antony Crol should hereafter be able to prove that payment was made before this date.
Oloff Stevensen, as attorney for Mr. Wolter van Twiller, plaintiff, vs. Claes van Eslandt, defendant. Plaintiff demands that the defendant render an accounting of Mr. Wolter van Twiller's effects here in this country. Ordered that defendant shall render an account between now and Christmas.
Tomas Hal, plaintiff, vs. Jan Laurensen, defendant. Plaintiff says that he came 8½ yards short on 4 pieces of duffel which Jan Laurensen sold to him, the plaintiff. Ordered that the plaintiff shall prove his statement.
The honorable fiscal, van[ der ] Hoykens, plaintiff, vs. Adam Roelantsen, defendant, charging defendant with having tried to violate the wife of Harck Syboltsz in her house, about which the said Harck Syboltsen's wife and her mother, appearing in court, complain and for which they demand justice. The defendant admitted in court having touched the naked breasts of Weyntjen Teunes, for which reason the defendant is placed in confinement.
December 17
The honorable director general and council of New Netherland having seen the criminal proceedings begun at the demand of the honorable fiscal, plaintiff, against Adam Roelantsz, at present a prisoner, on account of force and violence committed against Weyntjen Teunes, wife of Harck Syboltsen, at her house, which the said Weyntjen declares on oath to have occurred, to wit, that Adam Roelantssen by force tried to have intercourse with her at her house and also immodestly attacked her, of which the marks are said to be still visible on her body, having also considered the written complaint of the fiscal and the serious consequence thereof which in a land where it is customary to maintain justice can not be tolerated or suffered; Therefore, we condemn the aforesaid Adam Roelantsen to be brought to the place where it is customary to execute justice and there to be flogged and furthermore to be banished from this country as an example to others. Thus done in Fort Amsterdam In New Netherland, the 17th of December l646.
In consideration of the fact that the aforesaid delinquent is burdened with four small motherless children and that the cold winter is approaching, the honorable director and council have postponed the execution to a more suitable opportunity when the delinquent shall be able to depart. Dated as above.
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