On Thursday, being the 11th of June 1643
Ritchert Elias, plaintiff, vs. Waterduyve, defendant. Ordered that the defendant shall pay fl. 5 and that the plaintiff shall return the skins.
Hendrick Li, plaintiff, vs. Gregoris Pietersz, defendant. The plaintiff demands payment of fl. 5 which the defendant promised to pay to Jan Smit. The defendant admits the debt and is condemned to pay.
Hendrick Lie, plaintiff, vs. Jan Forbus, defendant, for payment of fl. 38 The defendant says that the money in his hands was attached at the request of Dirck Volkersz and if Dirck is willing to vacate the attachment, he is willing to pay.
Jems Jaspaer declares under oath that the half of the aforesaid money is due him, whereupon Forbus is condemned to pay fl. 19 to him. The rest will be left until eight days from now, unless Dirck proves that the attachment was sued out at the proper time.
Abraham Rycken, plaintiff, vs. Marten, the mason, defendant. First default.
The fiscal, plaintiff, vs. Oule Pouwelsen, defendant, for insolent conduct at the house of his master. The fiscal is ordered provisionally to keep him in confinement at the expense of Dirck Volckersz, his master, and meanwhile to examine the witnesses.
G[ e ]orge Rapalge requests in court that the land which is used by Tymen Jansen may be restored to him. Rapalge is ordered to show the bounds of his land, whereupon justice will be done.
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