On June 8
The fiscal, plaintiff, vs. Piter vanden Berch and Willem de Key, defendants. The fiscal once more requests in writing despatch of justice.
The fiscal is ordered to number the papers and documents properly and to make a list of them; then to deliver the documents to us to be examined, in order that we may make an end of the matter.
Lysbet Dirckx, plaintiff, vs. Jan Haes, defendant, in a case of attachment. Ordered that Piter Breyley prove that he has a one-third interest in the work. As Jan Haes acknowledges the debt, plaintiff is to receive his one-third interest.
On June 10
Françoys Doutey, English clergyman, complains to the court that Willem Gerritsz, an Englishman, wrote a scandalous song to the detriment of the plaintiff and his daughter, which he produces in court. Having seen the complaint and the libelous song written by said Willem Gerritsz, as he acknowledges, It is ordered that he shall stand in the fort tied to the Maypole, with two rods around his neck and the said song over his head, and remain there as an example to others until the English service is over. Furthermore, if the song be again sung by him, he shall be flogged and banished from this country.
June 11
Arent Corsen, plaintiff, vs. Cristiaen Crlstiaensz and Piter Pitersen, defendants. Plaintiff demands his one-third share of about 3200 lb. of pork, the three having jointly signed a bond therefor. Defendants say that more than Arent Corsen's one-third share was attached in their hands. Ordered that plaintiff shall receive and enjoy his one-third share of the pork, on condition that he give sufficient security here to indemnify the defendants; furthermore, that the defendants in return shall guarantee the plaintiff against any future claim by Jacob Blenck.
Rights: This translation is provided for education and research purposes, courtesy of the New York State Library Manuscripts and Special Collections, Mutual Cultural Heritage Project. Rights may be reserved. Responsibility for securing permissions to distribute, publish, reproduce or other use rest with the user. For additional information see our Copyright and Use Statement Source: New York State Archives. New York (Colony). Council. Dutch colonial council minutes, 1638-1665. Series A1809-78. Volume 4, page 224.