On the 10th of April anno 1642
At the request of the fiscal the following persons have declared in court as follows:
Maurits Jansen, commissary, says that on Sunday evening he heard the landlady in the tavern say that Abraham Pietersz, the miller, called the director a rascal.
Marritjen Liuwens, landlady of the tavern, declares at the request of the fiscal that on Sunday last Abraham Pietersz called the director a rascal and a liar, which he said he was ready to prove, offering to confirm the same on oath.
Claes van Elslandt declares at the request of the fiscal that Abraham Pietersen, going with him from the tavern to the Smith's Valley, called the director a rascal, vilifying the entire council.
Cornelio vander Hoykens, fiscal, plaintiff, vs. Abraham Pietersz, defendant, for slandering the director. Plaintiff demands that the defendant be punished according to Imperial Statutes, folio 296, as the offense committed is clearly proven by the preceding declarations.
Abraham Pietersz is ordered to go to the house of Maurits Jansen and to take up his abode there until such time as he shall have defended his case.
Captain Patrick, plaintiff, vs. Josop Schocht, defendant, for slander and false accusation. Mr. Josop Schot is ordered to prove his statements within a month and meanwhile to give security for such loss or damage as Captain Patrick may suffer in consequence of this case and Captain Patrick is granted permission to go meanwhile wherever he pleases.
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