Document: Complaint against Hendrick Andriessen

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Complaint against Hendrick Andriessen for assault and battery on Lysbet, wife of Gerrit Bancker; put over.

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Extraordinary Session Held in Fort OrangeAugust 25, 1660


Anderies HerpertsenSander LendersenJan VerbeeckRutger JacobsenFrans BaerentsenEvert Jansen Wendel

Johannes La Montagne, in his capacity as officer, plaintiff, againstDefault. Hendrick Anderiesen, defendant.The plaintiff complains that Hendrick Anderiesen, defendant, on the 23d of this month, in violation of public law and the freedom of the public streets, without a word of altercation, beat and maltreated Lijsbet, the wife of Gerrit Bancken,[1] who was pregnant, with his fists and kicked her. And whereas such excesses in a place where justice prevails cannot be tolerated, the plaintiff, after investigation of the matter, has caused the defendant to be cited to appear before the honorable court and in case of default he requests that he may arrest and detain the delinquent in order to proceed against him for cost and injuries, according to law.The honorable court, on the complaint of the officer and the presentation of the affidavits in regard to the person of Henrick Anderiesen, order the officer in accordance with his request to place the defendant in confinement.

The curators of the estate of Dirrick Bensich, deceased, plaintiffs, against Lambert van Neck, defendant.The plaintiffs demand of the defendant payment of 32 or 33 beavers, according to the contract of sale.The defendant admits the debt, but says that he can not pay at present.The honorable court orders the defendant to pay the plaintiff the beavers demanded within the space of 14 days.

Extraordinary Session Held in Fort OrangeSeptember 1, 1660


La MontagneAnderies HerpertsenSander LeendersenJan ver BeeckRutger JacobsenFrans Baerentsen PastoorEvert Jansen Wendel

Theunis Pietersen Tempel, plaintiff, against Jacob Thijsen, defendant.The plaintiff asks of the defendant payment of the sum of one hundred two guilders, eight stivers, in beavers.The defendant’s wife,[2] appearing before the court, exhibits an account amounting to one hundred seventeen guilders, 14 stivers, which the defendant says the plaintiff received.The plaintiff replies that 7 beavers in his custody are chargeable to the account of the defendant’s boy, named Johannes, to pay for his board.The defendant’s wife rejoins, saying that she gave the 7 beavers in part payment of the plaintiff’s account and not on account of the boy.The honorable court adjourns the case to the next court day, until the arrival of the defendant.

Gerrit Bancken, plaintiff, againstDefault. Adriaen Appel, defendant.Default. Jan van Eeckelen, defendant.

Eva Rinckhouts, plaintiff, againstDefault. Claes van den Bergh, defendant.

Theunes Spitsbergen, plaintiff, against Rutger Jacobsen, defendant.The plaintiff asks of the defendant payment of 100 beavers, which he says he loaned the defendant at interest.The defendant denies the debt and says that he owes the plaintiff no more than about twenty-seven or thirty beavers.The plaintiff exhibits a promissory note for the sum of 100 beavers to be paid by the defendant.The defendant offers to present a counterclaim.The honorable court binds the parties over to the next court day.

Hendrick Anderiesen and Comelis Wijnkoop, plaintiffs, against Claes Ripsen, defendant.The plaintiffs ask of the defendant payment of the sum of twenty-five beavers and 6 guilders, with interest thereof, arising from the purchase of a house and lot.The defendant refuses to pay, for the reason that the plaintiffs failed to deliver to him the ground belonging to the lot, according to the contract of sale, as it was sold at auction.The honorable court, having heard the parties, orders the defendant to pay the plaintiffs the sum demanded, provided that the plaintiffs shall be held to deliver to the defendant the aforesaid ground according to the contract, or otherwise according to the estimate of arbitrators, who are to estimate the ground that is lacking.

Jan Daret, plaintiff, against Reynier Wisselpenninck, defendant.The plaintiff demands of the defendant payment of thirty-nine beavers, on account of the purchase of a house at present occupied by the defendant.The defendant admits the debt.The honorable court refers the parties to the previous judgment on the 2d of May 1660.

Adriaen van Ilpendam, plaintiff, against Lambert van Valkenburch, defendant.The plaintiff asks of the defendant payment of ƒ6[ ] in beavers.The defendant’s wife, appearing, admits the debt.The honorable court, having heard the parties, orders the defendant to pay the plaintiff the sum demanded within the space of 6 weeks.

Idem plaintiff, againstDefault. Teunes Cornelissen, defendant.

Idem plaintiff, against Gillis Pietersen, defendant.The plaintiff demands of the defendant payment of ten and a half beavers and 12 stivers, on account of school money.The defendant admits the debt.The honorable court orders the defendant to pay the plaintiff the beavers demanded within the space of 6 weeks.

Idem plaintiff, against Pieter Loockermans, defendant.The plaintiff demands payment of two beavers for one year’s school money.The defendant admits the debt.The honorable court orders the defendant to pay the plaintiff the beavers demanded within the space of six weeks.

Idem plaintiff, againstDefault. Willem Brouwer, defendant.

The officer, plaintiff, against Lambert van Neck, Jan Daret, and Jurriaen Jansen, defendants.The honorable plaintiff asks that the defendants swear to their affidavits given on the 5th of August 1660 against Philip Hendricksen. Which they did, but they could not be confronted with Philip Hendricksen, on account of his being in default.

Ordinary Session Held in Fort OrangeSeptember 8, 1660


La MontagneAnderies HerpertsenJan ver BeeckFrans BaerentsenEvert Jansen Wendel

Tierck Claesen, plaintiff, against Volcien van Hoesem, defendant.The plaintiff demands payment of 5 beavers.The honorable court refers the parties to the previous judgment of June 30.

Pieter Adriaensen, plaintiff, against2d Default. Geertruy van den Bergh, defendant.

Aerent Pietersen Tack, plaintiff, against Cornelis Teunesen, defendant.The plaintiff asks payment and settlement of accounts.The honorable court orders that the documents of the parties be submitted to two magistrates, authorizing the Hon. Rutger Jacobsen and Frans Baerentsen Pastoor to examine and render decision in the matter.

Johannes La Montagne, in his capacity as officer, plaintiff, against Philip Hendricksen, defendant.The plaintiff complains as before that the defendant insolently wounded and lamed Gerrit Visbeek, as appears from the affidavits produced and sworn to in the presence of the honorable court. He requests therefore right and justice.The defendant requests that his affidavits may be presented in court.The honorable court orders that the defendant may appear in the fort and have his affidavits sworn to before two magistrates.

Idem plaintiff, againstDefault. Jurriaen Theunesen, defendant.

Idem plaintiff, against Marcelis Jansen, defendant.The plaintiff says that the defendant, contrary to the placards and ordinances of the states general, has ventured to lay in a half barrel of good beer without a permit from the farmer of the excise.The defendant says that he paid the excise to Jan Cornelesen, who let him bring in the beer, and he produces an affidavit that the beer was brought into his house without his knowledge.The honorable court orders the plaintiff to submit further evidence on the next court day.

Idem plaintiff, against Matthias Janssen, defendant.The plaintiff says that the defendant, contrary to the ordinance of the director general and council, met at the gate an Indian, whom he had caused a broker to fetch out of the woods and had given him presents.The defendant says that the Indian came to his house alone and that he made an agreement with him. That, thereupon, he went with the Indian to the gate, where the Indian had his beaver, and that the Indian asked him to do so.The honorable court, having heard the parties, orders the parties to submit their evidence on the next court day.

Translation Superscripts
[1]: Elisabeth Dirckse van Eps
[2]: Anna Hals

From the collections of the New York State Archives, Albany, New York. (link is external)  

Translation link see: (link is external)

Published bound volume is also available: Translation: Gehring, C., trans./ed., New Netherland Documents Series: Vol. 16, part 2, Fort Orange Court Minutes, 1652-1660 (Syracuse: Syracuse University Press: 1990).

Copyright to the published bound volume is held by the (link is external)Holland Society of New York.
A complete copy of this publication is available on the
(link is external)New Netherland Institute website.

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