Document: Bond of Paulus Leendersen van de Grist as security for the duty on certain goods shipped in the Bonte Koe; Mortgage by Dirck Bensich to Hendrick van Dyck of his house and lot on Manhattan Island

Holding Institution
(link is external)New York State Archives
Document ID

Bond. Paulus Leenderstsen van de Grist to indemnify the director general and council for all claims they may have against certain merchandise in the ship Spotted Cow, consigned to Johannes Pietersen Verbrugge. [1651];Mortgage. Dirck Bensich to fiscal Van Dyck, of his house and lot on the east side of the Great Highway, Manhattans. [1651]

Document Date
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Document Type


Before me, Jacob Kip, appointed clerk here, appeared Poulus Leendersen van [ de ] Grift, an inhabitant here, who declared, under renunciation of the beneficium, the effect whereof he understands, that he becomes surety as principal for the satisfaction of all such claims as the director general and council of New Netherland may have on all such goods and merchandise as Johannes Pietersen van Brugge has shipped in the ship De B onte Coe, in case the proper duties have not been paid thereon, binding therefor his person and property without any exception, subject to the jurisdiction of all courts, tribunals and judges In testimony whereof I have signed these, this 19th of June A° 1651, New Amsterdam, New Netherland.

Copy I, the undersigned, Dirck Bensich, acknowledge that I am well and truly indebted to the honorable Henricus van Dyck, fiscal-general of New Netherland, in seventy-two good, merchantable winter beavers, which I hereby promise to pay his honor, or his heirs, in the presence of the honorable director general Petrus Stuyvesant, next June A° 1652, to that end submitting all my property, movable and immovable, present or future, especially my house and lot standing and situated on the east side of the great highway, bounded on the north by the property of David Provost and on the south by that of Gerrit Fillewever,[1] under renunciation of all exceptions contrary hereto. Thus done on the island of Manhatans in New Netherland this 21st of June A° 1651. Signed with this mark, beside which was written, This is the mark of Dirck Bensich above named, made by himself, and P. Stuyvesant vidit. Beneath was written, Acknowledged before me, Jacob Kip, clerk.

Pouwelis Lenders van die Grist
Jacob Kip
Jacob Kip

Translation Superscripts
[1]: Gerrit Fullewever.

From the collections of the New York State Archives, Albany, New York. (link is external)  

Translation link see: (link is external)

Published bound volume is also available: Translation: Scott, K., & Stryker-Rodda, K. (Ed.). New York Historical Manuscripts: Dutch, Vol. 3, Register of the Provincial Secretary, 1648-1660 (A. Van Laer, Trans.). Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc.: 1974.

Copyright to the published bound volume is held by the (link is external)Holland Society of New York.
A complete copy of this publication is available on the
(link is external)New Netherland Institute website.

Modern Location
Locations (Unlinked)
Manhattan Island
Property Type
Property Type
To Party 1
From Party 1
Document Location